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[其它]国际人文地理核心期刊 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2006-04-29
1. Urban studies
2. American journal of agricultural economics
3. Regional studies
4. Journal of the American Planning Association
5. Annals of the Association of American Geographers
6. Progress in human geography
7. Population and development review
8. Economic geography
9. International journal of urban and regional research
10. Geographische Rundschau
11. Political geography
12. The International migration review
13. Journal of environmental economics and management
14. Land economics
15. The Professional geographer
16. Europe-Asia studies
17. The Geographical journal
18. Journal of regional science
19. Urban geography
20. Geography
21. Urban affairs review
22. Journal of environmental management
23. Ethnic and racial studies
24. Society & natural resources
25. Environmental management
26. Journal of environmental planning and management
27. Journal of geography in higher education
28. Growth and change
29. The Journal of geography
30. European planning studies
31. Applied geography
32. The Annals of regional science
33. Geoforum
34. Natural resources forum
35. L'Espace geographique
36. Journal of water resources planning and management
37. Environment
38. Geographical review
39. The Canadian geographer. Geographe canadien
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