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[西藏]罗唐关口在哪里? [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2011-03-09
美国《纽约时报》8月1日报道说,印度政府正在中印边境位于喜玛拉雅山上的罗唐关口(Rohtang pass)兴建一个大型工程——开挖一条穿山隧道,改变目前罗唐关口长年无法通过的状况。在藏语里,“罗唐关口”的意思是“堆满僵尸之地”——每年有数十人因穿越这处危险的山口而付出生命的代价。



  新德里政策研究中心的战略研究教授Rajeswari Rajagopalan表示:“修建罗唐关口隧道主要是为了防范中国。”他说:“印度现在其实是想通过升级物流组织来提高防御能力……中印边境仍要比印巴边境更为不稳定”。

  该项目的总工程师P.K. Mahajan表示,修建罗唐关口隧道的设想早在几十年前就已经提出,但一直苦于没有足够资金支持。他透露说,这项工程预计将耗资3.2亿美元。
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2011-03-09
Rohtang Pass (Tibetan: Rohtang La, lit: pile of corpses[1]) (altitude 13,051 ft (3,978 m)),[2] is a high mountain pass on the eastern Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas some 51 km (32 mi) from Manali. It connects the Kullu Valley with the Lahaul and Spiti Valleys of Himachal Pradesh, India.
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2011-03-09
The pass is open from May to November. It is not particularly high or difficult to cross on foot by Himalayan standards, but it has a well-deserved reputation for being dangerous because of unpredictable snowstorms and blizzards.[4]

This pass is an ancient trade route between the people on either side of Pir Panjal. The local name for this pass is a generic name of pass.[citation needed] There are many other passes in Lahaul and Spiti which have specific names (Kunzam La, Baralacha La, etc.). This is suggestive of the fact that this must have been the oldest and most frequented pass in the region, or the fact that it is the main pass leading from one cultural region (Indian) to another, quite different one, to the north.

The road through the Kullu Valley, past Manali and over the Rohtang Pass to Keylong, and Lahul and on to Ladakh, has become very busy during the summer months as an alternate military route, following the Kargil Conflict in 1999 in addition to tensions in Kashmir. Traffic jams are common as military vehicles, trucks, and goods carriers try to navigate the tight roads and rough terrain, compounded by snow and ice at certain points and the large number of tourists vehicles. Partially due to the military significance of the pass, the Indian government began building the $320 million Rohtang Tunnel project in 2010 which promises to create a year-around link which is much safer and faster.[5]

Several episodes of the History Channel's Ice Road Truckers series spinoff IRT Deadliest Roads dealt with truckers crossing the Rohtang Pass to deliver supplies.[6][7]

只看该作者 3 发表于: 2011-03-11
google 上显示Rohtang Pass在印度喜马偕尔邦和克什米尔之间,喜马拉雅山上。离中印边界100多公里的样子
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