1.Gulf of Bothnia:波的尼亚湾
2.Gulf of Finland:芬兰湾
3.Gulf of Riga:里加湾
4.Baltic Sea:波罗的海
5.Catgut channel:卡特加特海峡
6.Skagrak channel:斯卡格拉克海峡
7.North Sea:北海
8.Norskehavet Sea:挪威海
9.Barents Sea:巴伦支海
10.Kara Sea:喀拉海
11.White Sea:白海
12.Arctic Ocean:北冰洋
13.Inner Sea on the West coast of Scotland:苏格兰西岸内海
14.Irish Sea and St George's channel:爱尔兰海及圣乔治海峡
15.Bristol Bay:布里斯托湾
16.English channel:英吉利海峡
17.Bay of Biscay :比斯开湾
18.North Atlantic:北大西洋
19.Gulf of St.Lawrence:圣劳伦斯湾
20.Bay of Fendy:芬迪湾
21.Gulf of Mexico:墨西哥湾
22.Caribbean Sea:加勒比海
23.Mediterranean Sea:地中海
24.Tyronian Sea:第勒尼安海
25.Adriatic Sea:亚得里亚海
26.Aegean Sea:爱琴海
27.Marmara Sea:马尔马拉海
28.Black Sea:黑海
29.Sea of Azov:亚速海
30.Southern Atlantic:南大西洋
31.Rio La Plata:拉普拉塔河
32.Gulf of Guinea:几内亚湾
33.Gulf of Suez:苏伊士湾
34.Gulf of Aqaba:亚喀巴湾
35.Red Sea:红海
36.Gulf of Aden:亚丁湾
37.Arabian Sea:阿拉伯海
38.Gulf of Oman:阿曼湾
39.Persian Gulf:波斯湾
40.The Indian Ocean:印度洋
41.Gulf of Bengal:孟加拉湾
42.Burma Sea:缅甸海
43.Seas Malay Archipelago:马来群岛诸海
44.Gulf of Thailand:泰国湾(暹罗湾)
45.South China Sea:南中国海
46.China Sea or East Sea:中国海/东海
47.Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea:黄渤海
48.Japan Sea:日本海
49.Seto Naikai:濑户内海
50.Okhotsk Sea:鄂霍茨克海
51.Bering Sea:白令海
52.North Pacific:北太平洋
53.Hecatel Strait:赫卡特海峡
54.Gulf of California:加利福尼亚湾
55.Tasman Sea:塔斯曼海
56.Coral Sea:珊瑚海
57.South Pacific:南太平洋
58.Antarctic Ocean:南冰洋
[ 此帖被woodhome在2019-11-12 10:34重新编辑 ]