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[尼泊尔]尼泊尔议会通过新宪法 全国重新划分为7个联邦州2015 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2015-08-26
— 本帖被 keating 执行合并操作(2016-07-20) —
劃定省界 尼泊爾各黨簽突破性協議


尼泊爾總理寇瑞拉(Sushil Koirala)今天(9日)表示,尼泊爾各敵對政黨已經就劃定尼泊爾各省分界線問題,簽署了突破性協議,為尼泊爾的新憲法鋪路。





尼泊爾新聞部長芮亞爾(Minendra Rijal)也表示,這項協議在8日晚上達成,並將憲法的草擬進程向前推進一步。







只看该作者 置顶 (来自2楼) 发表于: 2015-09-17
— (aaa) 执行 帖内置顶 操作 (2015-12-24 08:16) —

Nepal passes new Constitution, splits country into 7 federal provinces

Kathmandu: Nepal's Constituent Assembly on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved a new constitution after seven years of painstaking efforts and deliberations, splitting the country into seven federal provinces. Constituent Assembly Chairman Subash Nemwang announced the charter was passed by a 507-25 vote in the 601-seat assembly after the voting. Lawmakers raised their hands in celebration after the announcement was made. Now, the bill will become Nepal's new charter once the lawmakers sign and the CA Chairperson authenticates it.
The constitution was pushed through the assembly despite protests by ethnic minority groups. It will split Nepal into seven federal provinces. Some ethnic groups have opposed the makeup, borders and size of the provinces. When put to split voting after the endorsement of individual articles and schedules, the entire Revised Bill garnered support from 507 out of 532 lawmakers who were present in the parliament.
Constituent Assembly Chairman Subash Nemwang announced the charter was passed by a 507-25 vote in the 601-seat assembly after the voting.
The lawmakers from Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and UCPN- Maoist supported the draft constitution. The voting was boycotted by smaller opposition parties. As many as 25 lawmakers belonging to pro-Hindu and pro-monarchist Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal cast their vote against the bill. Most of the Madhes-based parties, whose combined strength is 60, boycotted the voting process.
After announcing the result of the voting, Nembang asked the lawmakers to sign on the dossiers on Friday. The government is planning to declare public holiday on September 20 and 21 to celebrate the occasion. Major ruling parties have directed their cadres and supporters to lit colourful lights on September 20 to celebrate the occasion.
In the CA meeting scheduled for September 20, President Ram Baran Yadav will announce the promulgation of new constitution through the sovereign body elected by the people. Nepal was declared a secular state in 2006 after the end of decade-long civil war between Maoist insurgents and the state that claimed nearly 16,000 lives.
A CA was elected in 2008 after the abolishment of the Himalayan country's 240-year-old Hindu monarchy, but it could not finish its task despite four extensions. Subsequently, a second CA was elected in 2013 which deliberated the draft constitution for over two years. The drafting process was accelerated after the deadly-quake of April 12 that claimed more than 9,000 lives in the country of of 28 million people.
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2015-09-02
Federal Nepal : Timeline and Proposals

List of proposed federal structures and Timeline of related events.

Sep 1, 2015: 5 protrsters killed in violent protest organized by Madheshi front in Bara & Persa districts of south eastern Nepal. Tharu protest in south western Nepal is still on going.

Aug 24, 2015: 8 police officers (including SSP Laxman Neupane, inspectors Balaram Bishta and Keshav Bohora and 2 others from Nepal police and 2 from APF), one child and 3 protesters killed in Kailali district in a violent protest organized by Tharuhat/ Tharuwan united front. Some police officers were burnt alive. Other 17 from Police and 21 from APF were injured in the incident. Tharu protesters are demanding Tharuhat state in future federal Nepal. Following the incident emergency meeting of the National Security Council in Kathmandu decided to deploy the army in Kailali, Sarlahi and Rautahat districts.

Aug 21, 2015: After several protests in two weeks 3 major political parties (Congress, UML & Maoist) now agree on a new 7 states model. Three parties have combined 451 (75%) seats in Constituent assembly. 4th party from earlier agreement (Forum-democratic) opposed the agreement.

The 6th state from the earlier "6-state model" is divided into two creating new 6th and 7th state. Salyan district from earlier 5th state is given to new state-6. One village (thori) from parsa district in state-2 is given to state-3.
Many regional organizations and parties protested against earlier proposed 6 states model demanding:-
- Akhanda Sudur-paschim (undivided far-west region)
- Akhanda Madhya-paschim (undivided mid-west region)
- Tharuhat Pradesh (from Nawalparasi to Kanchanpur excluding hill districts)
- Karnali pradesh (including present Karnali zone)
Aug 8, 2015: Four major political parties (Congress, UML, Maoist and Forum-Democratic) agree on a new 6 states model. All new 6 states will have boundary with India. 4 states (except 2 Lumbini & Madhesh) will have boundary with China as well.

6 & 7 states by Congress (source: ekantipur.com)

June 9, 2015 : Four major political parties (Congress, UML, Maoist and Forum-Democratic) agree on 8 state model. But boundaries are not finalized.

Oct 27, 2014: CPN-UML proposes 4 states model. Each states will consists hills and terai regions. The proposed four states are: Eastern, Central, Gandak & Karnali. (Link) Later other leaders of UML criticized this idea. UML officially supports Congress 6 or 7 states model. (Link)

Oct 12, 2014: Nepali Congress proposed two model of six- or seven-states (Link)


Apr 28, 2012 : UML presented the new proposal to federate the country into 12 states. (L)

Jan 19, 2012 : State Reconstruction Commission proposes two separate federal structures, one with 11 states (including one non territorial state) and another with 6 states.

10+1 states by SRC

Jan 20, 2010: State Reconstruction Committee of CA passes federal structure of 14 states supported by UCPNM and UML. 14 proposed states are as follows:-

east hills: Limbuwan, Kirat, Sherpa, Sunkoshi,
central hills: Newa, Tamsaling,
west hills: Narayani, Tamuwan, Magarat, Jadan, Karnali, Khaptad,
terai: Mithila-Bhojpura-Koch-Madhesh, Lumbini-Awadh-Tharuwan.

CA Committee passed structure (source: welections.wordpress.com)

May 28, 2008: First Constituent Assembly (CA) meeting declares Nepal to be federal democratic republic by 560-4 votes. (1, 2)

Apr 10, 2008 : First Constituent Assembly election.CPN Maoist, Nepali Congress, CPN-UML & MJF became 1st,2nd,3rd & 4th party respectively.

Feb 28, 2008 : 8-point agreement (८ बुँदे सहमति)  between Government and "Samyukta Loktantrik Madheshi Morcha" including MJF, TMLP, Sadbhawana Party (Agreed on Nepal to be Federal democratic republic and there will be autonomous Madhesh state)

Aug 30, 2007: 22-point agreement between government and MJF

Jan 16 2007 : Madhesh uprising started led by Madheshi Janadhikar Forum (MJF)

Jan 15, 2007 : Interim constitution of Nepal 2007 issued.

Apr 24, 2006 : '19 days-Democracy movement of Nepal' ended, King re-instated the old parliament.

Data according to 2011 Census---------------------------------------------------

West Tharuhat demand: 8 westernmost terai districts (Nawalparasi, Rupendehi, Kapilvastu, Dang, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Kanchanpur)
Total population:48,03,069 (Tharu 24.1%, Chhettri 14.1%, Bahun 12.4%, Magar 8%)

East Tharuhat demand: 6 eastern districts (Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Saptari, Siraha, Udayapur)
Total Population: 41,35,656 (Bahun 10%, Chhettri 9.7%, Yadav 7.6%, Tharu 6.9%)

Limbuwan demand: 9 districts east of Arun-Koshi river (Jhapa, Morang, Sunsasri, Ilam, Panchthar, Taplejung, Dhankuta, Terhathum & Sankhuwasabha)
Total population: 35,74,770 (Bahun 13.5%, Chhettri 13.2%, Limbu 10.2%, Rai 8.1%)

Newa demand: 3 districts (Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur)
Total population: 25,17,023 (Newar 26.9%, Bahun 20.4%, Chhettri 19.8%, Tamang 11.2%)

According Nepal Census 2011 out of total 75 districts number of districts by single largest races are as follows: Chhettri (24), Bahun (11), Tamang (7), Magar (6), Yadav(5), Musalman (5), Rai(4), Gurung (4), Tharu (4), Limbu(3), Newar (2)

Bahun/Chhettri/Thakuri/Dasnami (BCTD) = 82,78,401 (31.25%)
Khas (BCTD+Kami/Damai/Sarki) = 103,74,633 (39.2%)

Largest single races by district, 2011 Nepal Census

Apr 5, 2002: Dr. Harka Gurung suggests "25-district New Nepal" as a new approach for decentralization.

Nepal with 25 districts proposed by dr. Harka Gurung

Feb 13, 1996 - Nov 21, 2006 : Maoist's Civil war & Peace agreement
see also: Timeline of Nepali Civil War (1996-2006)

1st Constituent Assembly:
Election day: April 10, 2008
First meeting : May 28, 2008
* First deadline: May 28, 2010 (2067 Jeth 14) 2 years,
* Second deadline: May 28, 2011 (2068 Jeth 14) 1 year,
* Third deadline: Aug 31, 2011 (2068 Bhadau 14) 3 months,
* Forth deadline: Nov 30, 2011 (2068 Mangsir 14) 3 months
Nov 25, 2011 (2068 Mangsir 9): Supreme court allows to add only 6 months more time. (L)
* Fifth deadline: May 27, 2012 (2069 Jeth 14) 6 months [CA dissolved]

2nd Constituent Assembly:

Election day: Nov 19, 2013
First meeting: Jan 21, 2013
* First deadline: Jan 22, 2015 (Magh 8, 2071) 1 year
No more new deadlines

Feb 11, 2014 - Present : Shushil Koirala as PM
Mar 14, 2013-Feb 11, 2014: Khil Raj Regmi as PM [Election Government]
Aug 29, 2011-Mar 14, 2013 : Baburam Bhattarai as PM
Feb 6, 2011 - Aug 29, 2011: Jhal Nath Khanal as PM
May 25, 2009 - Feb 6, 2011 : Madhav Kumar Nepal as PM
Aug 18, 2008 - May 25, 2009 : Prachanda as PM
July 23, 2008 - present : Ram Baran Yadav as 1st President of Nepal
Apr 25, 2006 - Aug 18, 2008 : Girija Prasad Koirala as PM

I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2015-09-17
尼泊尔议会通过新宪法 全国重新划分为七个联邦州


[ 此帖被xiagrui在2015-09-17 18:34重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 3 发表于: 2015-09-17
— (aaa) 执行 帖内置顶 操作 (2015-12-24 08:16) —

Nepal passes new Constitution, splits country into 7 federal provinces

Kathmandu: Nepal's Constituent Assembly on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved a new constitution after seven years of painstaking efforts and deliberations, splitting the country into seven federal provinces. Constituent Assembly Chairman Subash Nemwang announced the charter was passed by a 507-25 vote in the 601-seat assembly after the voting. Lawmakers raised their hands in celebration after the announcement was made. Now, the bill will become Nepal's new charter once the lawmakers sign and the CA Chairperson authenticates it.
The constitution was pushed through the assembly despite protests by ethnic minority groups. It will split Nepal into seven federal provinces. Some ethnic groups have opposed the makeup, borders and size of the provinces. When put to split voting after the endorsement of individual articles and schedules, the entire Revised Bill garnered support from 507 out of 532 lawmakers who were present in the parliament.
Constituent Assembly Chairman Subash Nemwang announced the charter was passed by a 507-25 vote in the 601-seat assembly after the voting.
The lawmakers from Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and UCPN- Maoist supported the draft constitution. The voting was boycotted by smaller opposition parties. As many as 25 lawmakers belonging to pro-Hindu and pro-monarchist Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal cast their vote against the bill. Most of the Madhes-based parties, whose combined strength is 60, boycotted the voting process.
After announcing the result of the voting, Nembang asked the lawmakers to sign on the dossiers on Friday. The government is planning to declare public holiday on September 20 and 21 to celebrate the occasion. Major ruling parties have directed their cadres and supporters to lit colourful lights on September 20 to celebrate the occasion.
In the CA meeting scheduled for September 20, President Ram Baran Yadav will announce the promulgation of new constitution through the sovereign body elected by the people. Nepal was declared a secular state in 2006 after the end of decade-long civil war between Maoist insurgents and the state that claimed nearly 16,000 lives.
A CA was elected in 2008 after the abolishment of the Himalayan country's 240-year-old Hindu monarchy, but it could not finish its task despite four extensions. Subsequently, a second CA was elected in 2013 which deliberated the draft constitution for over two years. The drafting process was accelerated after the deadly-quake of April 12 that claimed more than 9,000 lives in the country of of 28 million people.
只看该作者 4 发表于: 2015-09-17
只看该作者 5 发表于: 2015-09-17
只看该作者 6 发表于: 2015-09-18
只看该作者 7 发表于: 2015-09-18
只看该作者 8 发表于: 2015-09-18
回 鱼泉 的帖子
鱼泉:七个县的样子! (2015-09-18 00:10) 

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2015-09-18
只看该作者 10 发表于: 2015-09-18
回 假平凹 的帖子
但尼泊尔地处青藏高原,人口居然超过2600万,是同样地理环境的西藏的10倍,这一点不可思 ..(2015-09-18 08:35)嬀/color]

只看该作者 11 发表于: 2015-09-18
尼泊尔联邦民主共和国 (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal),是亚洲内陆山国,位于喜马拉雅山南麓,北邻中国,其余三面与印度接壤,面积147181平方千米,国境线全长2400公里。全国分北部高山、中部温带和南部亚热带三个气候区。北部冷季最低气温为-41℃,南部夏季最高气温为45℃。
尼泊尔的行政区划分为发展区、专区、县、村。全国分为5个发展区(Development Region),14个专区(Zone),75个县(District),3995个村(Village),设36个市(Town)。
只看该作者 12 发表于: 2015-09-18
只看该作者 13 发表于: 2015-09-18

I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me
只看该作者 14 发表于: 2015-09-19
         尼瓦尔语,又译内瓦里语(Newah Bhaye或Newari),又被称为尼泊尔语言(नेपाल भाषा,Nepal Bhasa),是尼泊尔中部加德满都谷地尼瓦尔人所操持的语言,属汉藏语系藏缅语族,尼瓦尔语原是用兰札体字母拼写后改用天城体字母拼写,是该语系中唯一一种以天城文字母为拼写的语言。     另外,在锡金、西孟加拉邦和西藏等地区也有操尼瓦尔语的居民。


只看该作者 15 发表于: 2016-07-20

[中南西亚]尼泊尔议会通过新宪法 全国重新划分为7个或8个联邦州



只看该作者 16 发表于: 2017-06-23



只看该作者 17 发表于: 2017-06-23
只看该作者 18 发表于: 2017-06-23
回 赵日天 的帖子
赵日天:尼泊尔这种小国的区划调整意义不大,像巴铁都1.3亿人口了,怎么也不应该才仅4个省。 (2017-06-23 08:45) 

只看该作者 19 发表于: 2017-07-17
只看该作者 20 发表于: 2017-07-20
回 萨德侯爵 的帖子
应该改联邦制为单一制,划分20个左右的省。 (2017-06-23 12:09) 

只看该作者 21 发表于: 2017-07-20
回 明山 的帖子
 (2017-07-17 11:11) 

只看该作者 22 发表于: 2017-07-21
惟天有汉 鉴亦有光
实司群望 表我华阳
只看该作者 23 发表于: 2021-08-02

[ 此帖被轨道部在2021-08-02 10:10重新编辑 ]
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