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[大洋洲]布干维尔独立公投再次推迟到2019年11月23日举行 [复制链接]

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只看该作者 50 发表于: 2019-10-17

只看该作者 51 发表于: 2019-10-17
I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me
只看该作者 52 发表于: 2019-10-17
回 aaa 的帖子
aaa:嘿嘿,那就是跟汤安诺一样的。 (2019-10-17 12:50) 

只看该作者 53 发表于: 2019-11-10

只看该作者 54 发表于: 2019-11-10
只看该作者 55 发表于: 2019-11-10
回 xt1214 的帖子
xt1214:不会有变数了。八年后再有新国家诞生。 (2019-11-10 22:15) 

只看该作者 56 发表于: 2019-11-11
只看该作者 57 发表于: 2019-11-11
回 轨迹 的帖子
轨迹:为什么八年后啊 (2019-11-11 16:08) 

只看该作者 58 发表于: 2019-11-16
只看该作者 59 发表于: 2019-11-21
只看该作者 60 发表于: 2019-11-21
回 逐风天地 的帖子
逐风天地:公投开始,倒计时7天。公投时间为半个月,12月20日公布结果。 (2019-11-16 07:52) 

只看该作者 61 发表于: 2019-11-21
回 逐风天地 的帖子
逐风天地:说不定还有为期一两年的过渡期,南苏丹独立也有半年过渡期。巴新政府一直不希望独立,或许过渡期会被技术性延长。 (2019-11-10 23:34) 

只看该作者 62 发表于: 2019-11-23

只看该作者 63 发表于: 2019-11-23
根據布干維爾公投委員會(BRC),公投將於下周舉行,預計持續2周,12月公布結果,登記投票的20.6萬人中,年輕族群占大多數。委員米林卡(Ruby Mirinka)提到,預計3/4選民將支持獨立。地方政府大樓換下巴紐國旗,升起當地旗幟,民眾都非常期待,數百名觀察員、監督者、當地與國際媒體來到布干維爾,見證投票。

原文網址: 蘊藏600億美元礦產!布干維爾島將辦獨立公投 盼脫離巴紐成最新國家 | ETtoday國際 | ETtoday新聞雲 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20191122/1585330.htm#ixzz661a346K9
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只看该作者 64 发表于: 2019-11-23
只看该作者 65 发表于: 2019-11-23
只看该作者 66 发表于: 2019-11-23
回 无形 的帖子
无形:自治政府就是过渡期,参考南苏丹,可以立刻独立,或者20200101。 (2019-11-23 07:48) 

只看该作者 67 发表于: 2019-11-23

只看该作者 68 发表于: 2021-04-17
展現獨立決心! 巴紐島嶼「布干維爾」大選 前叛軍指揮官勝出

2020/09/23 16:02
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕巴布亞紐幾內亞(以下簡稱巴紐)的東部島嶼布干維爾自治區(Bougainville)爭取獨立,在下一任的首長選舉中,前叛軍指揮官托魯阿瑪(Ishmael Toroama)勝選,他將領導與巴紐政府進行的獨立談判,朝建立新國家邁進。

根據《路透》報導,在去年12月的公投中,98%的布干維爾人贊成獨立,展現出脫離巴紐的自決意願。這次大選是公投後的首次選舉,由托魯阿瑪擊敗現任的莫米斯(John Momis),成為布干維爾自治區的領導人。




只看该作者 69 发表于: 2021-07-08
只看该作者 70 发表于: 2021-07-08
回 xt1214 的帖子
xt1214:巴新中央政府与布干维尔自治政府达成协议,布干维尔不晚于2027年实现完全独立。 (2021-07-08 07:04) 

Bougainville sets 2027 deadline for independence from Papua New Guinea

Issued on: 06/07/2021 - 11:56

A resounding 97.7 percent of Bougainvilleans voted to secede from Papua New Guinea and become the world's youngest nation in a 2019 referendum

Wabag (Papua New Guinea) (AFP)

Bougainville's leaders set a deadline of 2027 to gain full independence from Papua New Guinea Tuesday during talks on the future of the once-wartorn Melanesian island.

A resounding 97.7 percent of Bougainvilleans voted to secede from Papua New Guinea and become the world's youngest nation in a 2019 referendum.

The poll capped a 2001 peace agreement that followed a decade-long war between Bougainville rebels, Papua New Guinea security forces and foreign mercenaries that left up to 20,000 people dead.

Papua New Guinea's government has accepted the result, despite concerns that Bougainville's departure could cause the ethnically and linguistically diverse country to fracture.

But it has so far refused to commit to full independence.

Rebel commander turned Bougainville president Ishmael Toroama and Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape held talks in the Highlands town of Wabag on Tuesday to try to agree to a way forward.

The pair agreed to a timetable for handing many powers to Bougainville authorities by 2023, amending Papua New Guinea's constitution and drafting a new Bougainville constitution, according to documents seen by AFP.

The process would culminate in 2027, when Bougainville would "assume all or any sovereign powers" and would issue a "declaration of independence".

But there appeared to be no agreement on whether that would mean fully fledged independence or a form of self-governance.

Many Pacific Island nations have "associated state" agreements with regional powers that blur the usual lines of sovereignty -- ceding control over issues such as defence and foreign policy.

Toroama insisted that independence has to be more than symbolic.

"The message is clear -- this long journey must end sooner rather than later," he said, adding that Bougainville must become a country "no later than 2027".

Marape had pushed for a slower timetable, insisting "this process cannot be rushed. The future of our nation is at stake."

"My job is to ensure that the rest of the country remains united."

Papua New Guinea's parliament will have the ultimate say on whether to ratify Bougainville's vote, and it remains unclear if the 111 members will block independence.

"There is nothing to fear from an independent Bougainville," Toroama told them Tuesday.

"While Bougainville will have new national symbols and a new international border, Bougainville will still be a Melanesian brother."

只看该作者 71 发表于: 2021-07-08
布干維爾希望2022年自治, 2025年獨立

2 Jul 2021
Anthony Regan: Bougainville's prospects for independence
6:14 pm on 2 July 2021

Don Wiseman    Don Wiseman, RNZ Pacific, - don.wiseman@radionz.co.nz

Bougainville's President Ishmael Toroama says the autonomous region is preparing to become independent by 2025. He has also said Bougainville will have self government by 2022.

No caption.An overwhelming majority of voters supported Bougainville gaining independence from Papua New Guinea, in a 2019 referendum. Photo: RNZ Pacific / Johnny Blades
Last month, in what has been called the Sharp Agreement, both the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, James Marape and Toroama reached a deal to speed up the transfer of powers.

That goal is becoming increasingly realisable as more powers are handed over by the Papua New Guinean government.

Independence is the desire of a vast majority of Bougainvilleans according to an almost unanimous November 2019 referendum. But a lot still has to happen first.

Anthony Regan has spent years providing advice to Bougainville governments. These days he is a research fellow at the Department of Pacific Affairs at the Australian National University in Canberra.

RNZ Pacific's Don Wiseman asked Regan what the chances are of Bougainville achieving independence by 2025.

"Very hard to say ... they want to have international recognition of their independence by 2025. And they say that means UN membership," Regan says.

Anthony ReganPhoto: Supplied/ Australian National University
"But it is very hard to get UN membership if a parent state doesn't support you. Kosovo for example, made a unilateral declaration of independence in 2008. And has still not got recognition from about 50 percent of the world's countries, as well as being opposed by some members of the Security Council.

"So you can sit in limbo for a very long time if you don't have parent company country support.

"I think the Bougainville leaders are very aware of that, and are really working hard to try and get PNG to agree to independence. They're arguing that the referendum was a joint exercise, and that it showed overwhelming support for independence. It was of course nearly 98 percent in favour, with an 87 percent turnout on a very good roll, in a referendum that was judged by international experts - international observers, to be free and fair and legitimate.

"So they argue that they've got a very strong moral and democratic case for their independence."

But Regan says it is very hard for PNG to accept this, given their worries that it would create a precedent and could encourage other provincesto go down the same road, leading to the dissolution of PNG.

In the past PNG MPs have been staunchly against independence for Bougainville. Does Regan have any indication attitudes have shifted in recent times?

"It's very hard to judge it," he says. "We don't have anything like an opinion poll of feeling amongst MPs. We can't point to political party platforms in the way we could in New Zealand or Australia as a guide to what members might do.

PNG Prime Minister James Marape and Bougainville President Ishmael ToroamaPNG Prime Minister James Marape and Bougainville President Ishmael Toroama Photo: supplied
"We've got [Peter] O'Neill, the previous prime minister, who has always asserted that the members of parliament would vote unanimously against independence.

"Several members at different stages in public forums have indicated their support for Bougainville independence. There was a big conference organised by the PNG National Research Institute in 2018 - there was several MPs there who spoke quite openly about their belief that Bougainville deserved independence ... if the referendum was overwhelmingly in favour of it.

"So there's undoubtedly some support for independence in the parliament. Personally, I doubt that it would be overwhelming support at this stage."

But it's incumbent on national MPs to follow the direction that comes from the consultations. So, when they receive a document for ratification, that will be it, won't it?

"Well, it's all a little bit unclear," Regan says. "Yeah, the constitution and the base agreement provide that there must be consultation between the two governments after the referendum.

"Then it says: subject to that consultation, it goes to parliament. And the [2001 Bougainville] Peace Agreement indicates that if it goes to parliament it doesn't have to if the consultations don't agree to that.

"If it goes to parliament, then [the] final decision- making authority is with the parliament. But what's often not recognised is that the very next section of the constitution, after the consultation and the parliamentary roll, is a provision about disputes about the referendum. And it states, quite specifically, that disputes can go to the dispute resolution procedure, which the constitution elsewhere sets up for dealing with disputes between Papua New Guinea and Bougainville. And that could involve references even to the Supreme Court.

"So, you could imagine the Supreme Court being called upon to rule about the constitutionality of independence after a referendum. And that's the same way the Canadian Supreme Court did on the referendum in Quebec in 1998. It's a much more uncertain set of processes than most people have acknowledged so far, I think."

However, the key mechanism for events to proceed is for the two governments to talk to each other, and the Joint Supervisory Body is to meet next week in Wabag.

The meeting will continue to develop the framework for negotiations over the referendum results.

It was due to have happened this week, but for the sudden death of health minister Raymond Masono.

只看该作者 72 发表于: 2021-07-08

PNG appeal on B’ville breakaway
July 6, 2021

Prime Minister James Marape has assured Bougainville leaders and its people that referendum results will be taken to Parliament before 2025 but at a time they are ready.
Mr Marape, however, has strongly asked Bougainville leaders and its people to allow the rest of PNG to have their say on the “breakaway” of Bougainville before they take it into Parliament for ratification.
At the official welcome dinner hosted by Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas at Sopas Nursing College on Sunday night, Mr Marape appealed for Bougainville to see through the lens of every Papua New Guinean, who will have their say through their national leaders.
He said the security of the sovereignty of the country and its people was paramount.
“Mr President, tomorrow (today) I will try my best to look into the lens, into the discussions of your lens and I ask you Bougainvilleans to look into the discussions from my lens… let us look into the lens of someone else and from the lens of the rest of Papua New Guinea,” Mr Marape said.
“The peculiarity of our constitution and the peculiarity of the 2001 Bougainville Peace Agreement was the fact that it was homegrown, that it was Melanesian, it was made by people to benefit Bougainville and PNG.
“ The 2001 BPA was a masterclass. I was not there when it was signed and I was not yet a politician.
“I did say in Bougainville in September 2019 that I will take this result, as Member for Tari, and so that all the MPs can have or engage as much as possible.
“This issue is as far as the future of Bougainville is concerned.
“The matter will be brought to Parliament at a time we all agree.
“You see, Enga shares the border with East and West Sepik, Southern Highlands, Hela, its not black vs brown, but we are black, brown, yellow, we are red too, we are a nation of bright colours but we remain united for so long.
“For me, when I look at the PNG perspective, I worry every night in case a bigger tribe, as for this case, Enga Province, that speak one language, 600,000 of them, in case they think they have a pot of gold in Porgera they too want to become independent, that’s my lens and I am looking into that one.
In case another island province will step up with a mountain of gold somewhere, they too want to get independence.
“The security of the sovereignty we have is important, while we allow Bougainville to remain outside of the constitution of the National Government.
“I need to secure the rest of the country… but we will see through the struggles.”


PM: Do not rush, much is at stake
July 7, 2021

Prime Minister James Marape has told the second post-referendum consultation meeting in Wabag that Bougainville and PNG leaders should work towards an outcome no earlier than 2025 and within the years up to 2030.
In the presence of United Nations head, Dirk Wagener, as chair of the meeting, Mr Marape said this process of independence for Bougainville cannot be rushed.</p> <p>“I said in Kokopo that this process cannot be rushed,” he said.
“The future of our nation is at stake.
“This process is the single most important process any government is faced with.”
“It is far bigger than COVID-19 or our economic challenges.
We must consult the length and breadth of the nation, from the highest peaks of the Highlands to our most outlying islands, to ensure that our people understand the process and have a say.
“Our Constitution and the Independent State of Papua New Guinea was established on the back of wider consultation.
“We must aim for the 11th parliament to make a decision, and work towards an outcome no earlier than 2025 and within the years up to 2030.
“In that journey, we should continue to respect the Parliamentary process and requirements.
“This is an important step and we cannot afford to second guess, how it will proceed, the details of the motion and the options to go before Parliament.
“This step must be laid out clearly so we can deal with it.
“In Kokopo, we directed the officials to deal with four issues — to consult on the definition and process of giving effect to the result.
“They were to identify the constitutional issues relating to the referendum results and the tabling of the outcomes to Parliament, develop a road map on post-referendum consultations, and implement the Sharp Agreement.
“I understand the Sharp Agreement has some traction and will subsequently move along. I will talk about the road map in a short while.
“I note with concern that the matter and process of giving effect to the results of the referendum, and the identification of the constitutional issues relating to the result of the referendum and the tabling to Parliament of the consultation outcomes are two issues that have not been dealt with in detail.
“We must recognise that these are two important issues to consult on.
“While getting to an outcome is important, we should also recognise the importance of building a pathway constitutionally and where necessary, insert parliamentary processes that will shepherd the tabling of the referendum results and the outcome of the consultation.
“Once the motion goes before Parliament, it becomes the property of Parliament.
“I want to note that this will dictate the roadmap in a significant way.
“Let us deal with these two issues upfront, before we get too far down the track.”


只看该作者 73 发表于: 2021-07-21
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