(2018-04-26 11:49)
再看一下 哈萨克斯坦的生育率
Total fertility rate[edit]
Total fertility rate by regions of Kazakhstan:
Mangystau - 3.80, South Kazakhstan - 3.71, Kyzylorda - 3.42, Atyrau - 3.29, Jambyl - 3.20, Aqtobe - 2.70, Almaty (province) - 2.65, Almaty (city) - 2.65, City of Astana - 2.44, West Kazakhstan - 2.29, Aqmola - 2.19, East Kazakhstan - 2.07, Qaragandy - 2.04, Pavlodar - 1.98, North Kazakhstan - 1.72, Qostanay - 1.70,
Republic of Kazakhstan - 2.65.
Thus it can be seen that fertility rate is higher in more traditionalist and religious south and west, and lower in the north and east, where the percentage of Slavic and German population is still relatively high.[20][21][22]
阿拉木图之前的几个州是哈萨克人占多数的地区,阿拉木图 阿斯塔纳 西哈萨克 北哈萨克 卡拉干达 是欧洲血统人占多数的地区
According to the Kazakhstan Demographic and Health Survey
in 1999, the TFR for Kazakhs was 2.5 and that for Russians was 1.38. TFR in 1989 for Kazakhs & Russians were 3.58 and 2.24 respectively.[23]
哈萨克人目前生育率平均水平普遍在3左右,由此可以推出在哈萨克族大量移居哈萨克斯坦的新疆,维族生育率只能比3还高在同增长率时代的89-99年,哈萨克人加海外哈萨克族人口增加20%,当时的生育率3.58. 新疆维族8年间,减去哈萨克族移民哈萨克斯坦还能增长20%以上,维族生育率应该3.6以上。 [ 此帖被蓝枫在2018-04-26 12:52重新编辑 ]