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[英国]苏格兰的离岛也要求独立公投 [复制链接]

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只看该作者 50 发表于: 2019-10-18

SNP spent more on Shetland by-election battle than Brexit referendum


Published: 19:18
Wednesday 16 October 2019

The SNP has been criticised for spending more on a by-election in Shetland than on the Brexit referendum.

New figures from the Electoral Commission show the party spent £99,000 on the Holyrood by-election in August, compared to £90,000 on the referendum on leaving the European Union in 2016.

The SNP’s Shetland candidate came second to Lib Dem Beatrice Wishart in the poll.

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The Scottish Liberal Democrats have hit out at the SNP over the election spending figures, which show the party spent 12.8% of the total allowed on the Brexit poll.

But an SNP MSP dismissed the attack as “incoherent and frankly laughable”.

Lib Dem Orkney and Shetland MP Alistair Carmichael claimed the party’s spending on the EU referendum is evidence of the “cynicism of the SNP leadership’s position on the EU”.

He said: “The fact that the SNP spent more on the by-election in Shetland than in the entire EU referendum campaign speaks volumes. It is disappointing but hardly surprising, considering how much lucre they flashed around in the Northern Isles over the summer.

“Apparently one more vote for independence in Holyrood was worth more to the nationalists than their European values. It’s a shame they don’t put their money where their mouth is.

“It shows the cynicism of the SNP leadership’s position on the EU. They tell their supporters one story on Europe, but their actions tell another.

“They back the EU with words, but the truth is that they see Brexit as a golden opportunity to push independence at the price of our country’s well-being.”

The Shetland by-election, which was called after the resignation of Tavish Scott, saw Ms Wishart take the seat with almost 48% of the vote.

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The First Minister, along with a number of other high-profile SNP members, made several visits to Shetland ahead of polling day.

SNP MSP Rona Mackay said: “This is an incoherent and frankly laughable attack from the Lib Dems.

“The SNP has been and remains the strongest advocate for Scotland’s place in Europe - and, of course, in the Brexit referendum Scotland voted overwhelmingly to Remain.

“The reality is the Lib Dems would rather see Scotland taken out of the EU with a Tory Brexit than be a member state of Europe in our own right.

“They should be helping to remove Boris Johnson from office so that we can hold a general election and stop Brexit - instead of pandering to Tory voters as (Lib Dem leader) Jo Swinson has been doing.”

只看该作者 51 发表于: 2020-09-06
回 南岭孤侠 的帖子
南岭孤侠:上海排外天下第一,要公投绝对独立了! (2014-03-27 21:14) 

只看该作者 52 发表于: 2020-10-07
離島不能隨便畫! 蘇格蘭立法禁止懶惰畫法
2018/10/09 22:14
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕在英國蘇格蘭北方的離島昔德蘭群島(Shetland Islands),過去常以插入縮圖方式出現在地圖上,不過這個月蘇格蘭實施新規定,要求繪圖者必須準確的把昔德蘭群島放置在地圖的相對位置上。

據《華盛頓郵報》報導,昔德蘭群島距離英國約160公里,人口約2萬2000人;選區在昔德蘭群島的蘇格蘭國會議員史考特(Tavish Scott)表示,昔德蘭群島一直以來被以「懶惰畫法」呈現,在地圖中僅被放在蘇格蘭東方海域的圖框裡,因此長期誤導遊客,導致各種往來昔德蘭群島的安排被忽略,當地經濟受到嚴重影響。



只看该作者 53 发表于: 2020-10-09
昔德蘭說不會徵求蘇格蘭許可就獨立, 比蘇格蘭還衝

Shetland Islands warns Sturgeon we ‘won’t ask permission’ for freedom from Scotland
SHETLAND Islands independence campaigners have warned Nicola Sturgeon they "won't ask permission" for freedom from Scotland.
PUBLISHED: 09:01, Sat, Oct 3, 2020 | UPDATED: 12:05, Sat, Oct 3, 2020

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is under mounting pressure as residents in the rugged archipelago signal their desire to unshackle from Scotland and the UK. Sovereign Nation of Shetland campaigner Stuart Hill, who believes the islands have never belonged to Scotland or Britain, rallied on fellow residents to Shetland to have the guts to stand up and demand what we want”.

He told Express.co.uk: “From a legal perspective, Shetland is already independent, but ruled by a foreign occupying power.
“There simply is no proof that Shetland ever became part of Scotland, but plenty of proof to the contrary.

“This is surely the position from which to start negotiations – any other stance can only guarantee worthless sops and the cementing of illegitimate power exercised by Scotland and the UK.

“The truth is that we don't have to ask anyone for permission to do anything. We just have to have the guts to stand up and demand what we want. “
He warned the islands are in an “amazingly strong negotiating position” to fight for “absolute autonomy” after the Shetlands Islands Council approved a motion to consider options for an independence referendum.

Mr Hill said: “For instance, we should be asking the UK government how it has the right to be negotiating Brexit with our fisheries.

“With a large part of 'UK' oil and 'Scottish' fisheries in our waters, Shetland is in an amazingly strong negotiating position. Let's not throw it away in our haste to get 'more autonomy'.

“Absolute autonomy is our right. Let's start from there.”

The local council recently approved a motion to begin “exploring options for achieving financial and political self-determination”.

The move could trigger a Shetland Islands referendum to unshackle themselves from Scotland.

Twenty-two councillors backed the motion, which reads: “We believe that Shetland has the wherewithal to have a positive future.

“However, in recent times we have seen more and more decision making being centralised and public funding being consistently reduced.

“We are concerned that this ongoing situation is seriously threatening the prosperity, and even basic sustainability, of Shetland as a community.

“In order to look at alternatives to ensure Shetland can reach and maintain its full potential, we, the undersigned, move that: ‘The Shetland Islands Council formally begins exploring options for achieving financial and political self-determination.’”

It appears residents and councillors hope to adopt a similar path taken by the Faroe Islands, which have autonomous status within the Kingdom of Denmark.

Growing frustration over reduced government funding from Holyrood and centralised decision making is thought to have triggered the move.

Mr Hill, claims the Shetlands belongs to Norway because it was pawned to Scotland by King Christian in 1469 to cover a dowry for his daughter, but was never formally or legally made part of Scotland or the UK.

The Englishman has been campaigning over constitutional matters since he arrived in Shetland in August 2001 after his boat capsized around 50 miles west of the isles.

He wants the Shetlands and Orkney to have their own flag, currency and stamps.

只看该作者 54 发表于: 2020-10-17

更新: 2020-09-17 9:32 PM    




政務委員會表示,當地自決的行動需要獲得全島範圍的全民公投的支持。委員會領袖庫茨(Steven Coutts)表示,英國政府將一些權力下放給蘇格蘭政府,但是謝特蘭島沒有感受到這樣的益處,而且蘇格蘭議會對於他們來說感覺「遙遠」,「現狀行不通」。




只看该作者 55 发表于: 2020-10-18
華東共和國國立鳳城大學文政學部史學科東洋史學專攻 卒業
華東共和國國立大學大學院 認知科學修士 在讀
只看该作者 56 发表于: 2020-10-21
回 酒旗儿 的帖子
酒旗儿:如果上海人公投,以其排外的地域性格,估计支持独立的占多数。 (2014-03-26 22:42) 

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