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[其他]伊拉克库尔德地区2014年3月16日新设哈莱卜杰省 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2014-01-06
如设立,将是(伊拉克第19省,库尔德斯坦地区第4个省) 。行政区划网我早年的资料是这么写的:
库尔德族自治区:1992年,苏莱曼尼亚As-Sulaymaniyah、杜胡克 Dahuk和埃尔比勒 Arbil 3省划归库尔德族自治区。库尔德人生活在伊拉克北部地区。一份资料显示,伊拉克库尔德斯坦除了上面的3省外,还包括塔米姆At-Ta'mim、迪亚拉 Diyala(部分)和尼尼微 Ninawa(部分)。库尔德人的一个临时政府在这里运作。1999年夏,临时政府曾考虑在其辖区内增设4个新省:阿克拉Aqrah (or Akra)、哈拉比亚 Halabja (Halabjah)、拉尼亚 Rania和索兰Soran(注:这里的译名都是我当年随便乱翻译的)。10月,最后形成了3个省:阿克拉 Aqrah、哈拉比亚Halabja和哈里尔 Harir。不过国际社会并不承认,本处也不录入。
最近更新: 2005-10-17

省名 MuhafazatC1997面积(km2)省会CC1997CC1987
安巴尔 Al-Anbār1,023,736138,501拉马迪 Ar-Ramādī 192,556
巴士拉 Al-Basrah1,556,44519,070巴士拉 Al-Basrah725,000406,296
穆萨纳 Al-Muthannā436,82551,740塞马沃 As-Samāwah  
卡迪西亚 Al-Qādisiyah751,3318,153迪瓦尼耶 Ad-Dīwānīyah 196,519
纳杰夫 An-Najaf775,04228,824纳杰夫 An-Najaf410,000309,010
苏莱曼尼亚* As-Sulaymānīyah1,362,73917,023苏莱曼尼亚 As-Sulaymānīyah525,000364,096
塔米姆 At-Ta'mīn753,17110,282基尔库克 Kirkūk525,000418,624
巴比伦 Bābil [Babylon]1,181,7516,468希拉 Al-Hillah 268,834
巴格达 Baghdād5,423,964734巴格达 Baghdād5,423,9643,841,268
杜胡克* Dahūk402,9706,553杜胡克 Dahūk  
济加尔 Dhī Qār1,184,79612,900纳西里耶 An-Nāsirīyah 265,937
迪亚拉 Diyālā1,135,22319,076巴古拜 Ba'qūbah 115,000
埃尔比勒* Irbīl1,095,99214,471埃尔比勒 Irbīl700,000485,968
卡尔巴拉 Karbalā'594,2355,034卡尔巴拉 Karbalā'380,000296,705
米桑 Maysān637,12616,072阿马拉 Al-'Amārah 208,797
尼尼微 Nīnawā [Nineveh]2,042,85237,323摩苏尔 Al-Mawsil925,000664,221
萨拉赫丁 Salāh ad-Dīn904,43224,751提克里特 Tikrīt  
瓦西特 Wasit783,61417,153库特 Al-Kūt 183,183
伊拉克 Iraq22,046,244434,128巴格达 Baghdād  



Halabja would become the the 19th Iraqi Province and fourth in Kurdistan region(伊拉克第19省,库尔德斯坦地区第4个省)

News  /  Kurdistan  

Halabja to be a new governorate in Iraqi Kurdistan


Mewan Dolamari
BasNews (Erbil):

Following Kurdish prime minister, Nechirvan Barzani’s visit to Baghdad,Iraq’s prime minister Nouri al-Maliki has agreed to make Halabja itsown governorate in the Kurdistan Region.

“Today, the majority of the ministers in the council meeting voted insupport of recognizing Halabja as a new governorate in Iraqi Kurdistan,”said the minister of trade, Dr. Khairullah Hassan.

The administrative board will be determined by the council ofministers, which is likely to include Sharbazher, Said Sadeq, andPenjwen towns.

The president of the Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, had requestedthe council of ministers to confirm the recognition of Halabja’sgovernorate.

The final recognition of the creation of the governorate has to be made in the Iraqi Parliament in order to be implemented.

“We will do our best to collect votes in support of Halabja governorate in the parliament of Iraq,” concluded Hassan.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has recognized Halabja as a newgovernorate in the territory of Kurdistan region in June, but thedecision has to be approved by the Iraqi Parliament to be recognizedofficially.
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2014-01-06

[ 此帖被keating在2014-01-06 11:01重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2014-01-06

Iraq Ministers Agree Turning Halabja into Province
By RUDAW 2/1/2014
Iraq Ministers Agree Turning Halabja into Province

Residents of Halabja celebrating the decision by the Iraqi council of ministers to make their city a provincial capital. Photo by Ibrahim Golpi

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraq's Council of Ministers approved a bill that would turn Halabja district into the autonomous Kurdistan Region’s fourth province, but the decision has to be approved by the parliament to take effect.

“We talked with Baghdad and we were informed officially that the Council of Ministers has approved Halabja as a governorate," said Goran Adham, the mayor of Halabja.

He said the resolution was approved by majority vote at the council’s weekly meeting, but that three Iraqi ministers did not vote in favor, including youth minister Jasim Muhammad Jafar and transportation minister Hadi al-Amri.

According to law, the ministerial decision must be approved by the parliament to take effect. “We believe that since the Council of Ministers approved it the Iraqi parliament will approve it, too,” said Adham. “Several factions have vowed to support us,” he added.

He said his office was “in constant contact with the Council of Ministers and Kurdish MPs for this purpose.”

Should the bill be approved, Halabja will take part in the Iraqi legislative elections, scheduled for April 2014, as a new governorate.

Safa al-Mousawi, the spokesman for the Election Commission, said: “We have not received any official directives to make preparations to treat Halabja as a governorate.”

“If we receive the decision in a timely manner to make preparations, then the election will be carried out in Halabja like in Sulaimani, Erbil and Duhok,” she stressed.

According to Mousawi the Election Commission has data on Halabja that would assist in paving the way for it to be treated like a governorate in the elections.

If the bill is approved, Halabja would become the 19th Iraqi governorate, and the autonomous Kurdistan Region’s fourth province.

Halabja, which was gassed by Iraq’s former regime on March 16, 1988, still suffers from the aftermath of the attack. It suffers from the highest number of birth defects in Iraq.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) approved Halabja as a new governorate in June 2013.

The latest ministerial decision comes a week after KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani delivered a letter from regional President Massoud Barzani to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Baghdad last Wednesday, demanding the Iraqi government complete procedures and raise the administrative level of Halabja to a governorate.

The Kurdish president has been one of the main advocates of turning Halabja into a province.

"The promise that I made to you has now come true and I hope there will be an administration that will make the people of the area happy," Barzani said in a congratulatory message after the ministerial decision was announced.

In an official statement, Barzani said that Halabja is a city that has suffered and sacrificed a lot and that, "their wounds should be healed."

All Kurdish parties unanimously supported and welcomed the decision of the ministers.

On Tuesday, the Change Movement (Gorran) said that it stands by the decision, applauding Maliki for this historic step.
- See more at: http://rudaw.net/english/kurdistan/020120141#sthash.Ns66nbFZ.dpuf
[ 此帖被keating在2014-01-06 11:17重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 3 发表于: 2014-01-06
Dahuk 中图社译:代胡克;谷歌译:达霍克
Aqrah 中图社·谷歌均译:阿格拉,在尼尼微省东部
Halabja 中图社·谷歌均译:哈莱卜杰,在苏莱曼尼亚省东南部。阿语中的b单独作音节时一般都译成“卜”。本文中一会译成哈拉比亚,一会译成哈拉布贾。
Rania/Ranya 中图社·谷歌译:拉尼耶,在苏莱曼尼亚省北部。阿语中的ya一般都译成“耶”
Maysān 中图社译:麦桑;谷歌译即米桑
keating 奖励 +1 不错 2014-01-06
只看该作者 4 发表于: 2014-01-06
回 夕阳西下 的帖子
夕阳西下:Dahuk 中图社译:代胡克;谷歌译:达霍克
Aqrah 中图社·谷歌均译:阿格拉,在尼尼微省东部
Halabja 中图社·谷歌均译:哈莱卜杰,在苏莱曼尼亚省东南部。阿语中的b单独作音节时一般都译成“卜”。本文中一会译成哈拉比亚,一会译成哈拉布贾。
Rania/Ranya 中图社·谷歌译:拉尼耶 .. (2014-01-06 15:46) 


只看该作者 5 发表于: 2014-01-06
只看该作者 6 发表于: 2014-01-07
回 keating 的帖子
现在的哈拉布贾,是google搜索中看到的。 (2014-01-06 19:56) 

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2014-01-08
只看该作者 8 发表于: 2014-01-09
回 行者无疆 的帖子
行者无疆:库尔德地区的省本来就不大,还设啊! (2014-01-06 21:51) 

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2014-01-10
只看该作者 10 发表于: 2014-03-30
只看该作者 11 发表于: 2014-05-06


只看该作者 12 发表于: 2018-08-08
只看该作者 13 发表于: 2018-08-08
回 keating 的帖子
keating:库尔德的这个哈莱卜杰省,面积只有880平方公里,人口大概10万。在普遍一两百万人口的伊拉克和库尔德地区,这个省小的非常扎眼。就是原来的1个县直接升格的。一直没想通,这个省的特殊性到底在哪里。 (2018-08-08 07:17) 

只看该作者 14 发表于: 2018-08-08
回 keating 的帖子
keating:库尔德的这个哈莱卜杰省,面积只有880平方公里,人口大概10万。在普遍一两百万人口的伊拉克和库尔德地区,这个省小的非常扎眼。就是原来的1个县直接升格的。一直没想通,这个省的特殊性到底在哪里。 (2018-08-08 07:17) 



只看该作者 15 发表于: 2020-06-10
Halabja comprises the central district, Halabja, and three other districts, Sirwan, Khurmal, and Byara (Bayyarah).

Three other districts of the Sulaymaniyah Governorate had the option of joining the province, but decided against it.
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