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[大洋洲]巴布亚新几内亚出现“北弗莱省”、“南弗莱省”的表述 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2020-03-26




North Fly ready to be a province - The National

www.thenational.com.pg › north-fly-ready-to-be-a-province

2013年9月9日 - I suggest North Fly province, Middle Fly province and South Fly province or Upper Fly and Lower Fly. Perhaps we can have our own provincial ...

North Fly ready to be a province

September 9, 2013webmasterLetters, Normal
Article Views : 421

Source:The National, Monday September 9th, 2013

WESTERN is commonly regarded as the least developed province, but I believe that together, we can change that. There are many underlying factors behind this “least developed” tag, but we need to fix the fundamental issue. Western must have separate, dedicated headquarters for each of its regions. We need to split our huge and inaccessible (wetlands and mountain ranges) land mass into two or three provinces. I suggest North Fly province, Middle Fly province and South Fly province or Upper Fly and Lower Fly. Perhaps we can have our own provincial headquarters in Kiunga so development grants from the national government budget and funds from LNG developers can come directly to us (the people of North Fly) and not via Daru (currently the provincial headquarters). Kiunga Township is currently transforming into a business hub for the third LNG project and the population in North Fly district is booming. North Fly has grown  and has the capacity to manage itself as a province, not a district. If Hela and Jiwaka can be accorded provincial status, why not North Fly?

Son of North Fly, via email

另外一则年份和来源不详的消息则提到北弗莱省接收了3000名印尼西巴布亚难民(https://www.thecoconet.tv/cocoblog/png-to-offer-citizenship-for-west-papuan/)Deputy Chief of PNG Migration and Refugees Affairs, Esther Gaegaming said about 3000 refugees from West Papua who are currently stayed at refugee camps in East Awin, Iowara, Kuinga of North Fly Province have been registered.
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2020-03-27





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