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[菲律宾]三宝颜锡布格省名由来 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2017-08-08



Sibugay -the Name
Zamboanga Sibugay got its name from the bigriver that wends its way through several of the province’s major towns.
How the river got its name which it thenpassed on to the province is told in an anecdote.
“What’s the name of this river?” was thequestion asked by a visitor to the town datu, as they paddled down the river.
Since the paddles were making too muchnoise in the water, the datu did not understand and requested the visitor tocome closer to be able to hear him clearly and in the Subano tongue, said“Sibug ari  bagay” meaning “Come closer,my friend.”
Thus did the river come to be known assuch.
Geography/Political Subdivisions
Zamboanga Sibugay is bounded on thesoutheast by Zamboanga City, on the north by Baliguian and Gutalac in Zamboangadel Norte, the municipality of Bayog, Zamboanga del Sur on the east, and on thesouth by Dumanquillas Bay and Sibuguey Bay.
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2017-08-08
我就想知道 三宝颜 三宝垄 得名是跟郑和有关吗
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