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[非洲]【2016旧闻】地方酋长反对将马拉维第一大县拆分 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2017-08-29




Debate for Mzimba split rages on: Malawi Ngoni district

April 7, 2016  Nyasa Times Reporter  40 Comments
A senior chief of Ngoni in Mzimba has described as naïve suggestionsfrom some quarters that the powerful Ngoni district of Mzimba bedismantled into three.

Inkosi Kampingo Sibande: Cautions on Mzimba split
Inkosi Kampingo Sibande said those propagating for the split are myopic and naïve and will regret later if they are humans.
“Government does not allocate development resources in a districtjust because it is big and vast but rather because of population, whichis the fact of the matter. If this was the case then Neno could havebeen the most developed district in the country but look it is thesmallest and probably the poorest,” argued the Ngoni Chief.
Chief Mbelwa the fourth who passed on two years ago used to arguethat the name Mzimba means human body therefore he said it was bizarreto think of splitting a human body.
The current Ngoni chief also vehemently opposes to suggestions of splitting Mzimba into three districts.
Dan Nkosi, Chairman of Mbelwa District Council, where Mzimba belongs, refused to comment on the matter.
He however said the council has allocated a two day full council meeting on the issue next week.
Nkosi conceded the council is grossly split over the matter.
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2017-08-30
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2017-08-30
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南天國士:http://xzqh.info/bbs/read.php?tid=83104 (2017-08-30 10:32) 

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