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[美国]纽约市的一个区要求独立建市 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2023-09-01

“没有边境,我们就没有国家了!”纽约州共和党国会众议员玛丽奥(Nicole Malliotakis)近日在史坦顿岛的群众集会上大声喊,“市长,如果你不做你的工作,就让史坦顿岛脱离(纽约市)!”

史丹顿岛市议员博瑞力(Joe Borelli)表示,一位当地政治家甚至已为史岛独立提出新口号:“Nonsicut tu quoque”──意思为“我们也不喜欢你”。

共和党州众议员马丽奥(Nicole Malliotakis)30日上午说,“我的意思是,我一直听到各种玩笑,说纽约市很想摆脱史丹顿岛,好吧,这是你的机会。我认为史岛希望有机会自治,市议会和州议员需放开史岛。我真的希望他们重新考虑这一点。”




有史岛居民也支持“脱纽”运动,56岁的承包商尼科(Anthony Antico)是一名土生土长史丹顿岛居民,他表示自己百分之百支持分裂,“我们的价值观与其他4区不一致,我们不信所谓的觉醒政治,对的就是对的,错的就是错的。”

过去一周,史岛爆发了多场大规模抗议活动,原因是市府决定使用已关闭的圣约翰维拉学院(St. John Villa Academy)为移民提供300个床位。在示威活动过后,市警加强了在社区的保安工作。


去年,史坦顿岛市议员、市议会少数党领袖博雷利(Joe Borelli)曾提出了一项法案,要求“研究并报告史坦顿岛成为自治城市的可行性”,但该提案未能取得进展。


I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me

只看该作者 1 发表于: 2023-09-01
Department of the Interior of the United States of America
Memorandum No. 23 of 2023
To the Government of the State of New York,

Your request (New York State Government Document No. 20 of 2022) to establish Staten Island, previously a borough of New York City, as a city-level administrative unit has been received and approved by the Federal Government. The administrative region of the newly established City of Staten Island will follow the boundaries of the former Staten Island borough. The City of Staten Island will remain under the direct jurisdiction of New York State, managed on behalf by New York City.

The process of this administrative alteration should be guided by American democratic principles as enshrined in the Constitution and laws of the United States. Comprehensive planning should be conducted according to American norms of local governance, emphasizing the modernization of governing systems and capabilities. Attention should be given to sustainable, collaborative, and inclusive development strategies that respect and adapt to urban growth patterns, improve urbanization quality, and enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of cities.

Financial and administrative regulations set forth by the Federal Government must be strictly observed. No new governmental buildings should be erected, no additional public servants hired, and no increases in fiscal expenditures should occur as a result of this administrative change. Relevant organizations should be optimized for coordination and efficiency. Necessary personnel and funding issues should be resolved by the State of New York.

Strong organizational leadership is required to clearly define responsibilities, oversee the implementation, manage social stability risks, and guide public opinion. It is essential to implement all work measures to ensure the smooth and orderly implementation of this administrative change. Updates on the completion status of this administrative adjustment should be promptly reported to the Federal Government.

Department of the Interior of the United States of America
September 1, 2023

2023 年第 23 号备忘录

你关于将原为纽约市一个区的斯塔滕岛设立为一个市级行政单位的请求(2022 年纽约州政府第 20 号文件)已被联邦政府收到并批准。新成立的史坦顿岛市的行政区域将沿用原史坦顿岛区的边界。史坦顿岛市仍由纽约州直接管辖,由纽约市代为管理。




2023 年 9 月 1 日
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2023-09-02
回 晦象先生 的帖子
晦象先生:Department of the Interior of the United States of America
Memorandum No. 23 of 2023
To the Government of the State of New York,
Your request (New York State Government Document No. 20 of 2022) to establish Staten Island, previously a borough of New York Cit .. (2023-09-01 22:04) 

只看该作者 3 发表于: 2023-09-08
回 晦象先生 的帖子
晦象先生:Department of the Interior of the United States of America
Memorandum No. 23 of 2023
To the Government of the State of New York,
Your request (New York State Government Document No. 20 of 2022) to establish Staten Island, previously a borough of New York Cit .. (2023-09-01 22:04) 

一是副州级城市变更需要内阁批准(注意美国  Department of State 相当于外交部,并不是其它国家的国务院)
二是美国 Department of the Interior 其实相当于国土资源部
只看该作者 4 发表于: 2023-11-01

"新" 紐約市



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