According to toponymist George R. Stewart, the use of the suffix ''-ville'' for settlements in the United States did not begin until after the American Revolution. Previously, town-names did not usually use suffixes unless named after European towns in which case the name was borrowed wholly. When a suffix was needed, ''-town'' (or the word Town) was typically added (as in Charleston, South Carolina, originally Charles Town). In the middle of the 18th century the suffixes ''-borough (-boro)'' and ''-burgh'' (''-burg'') came into style. The use of ''-town'' (-ton) also increased, in part due to the increasing use of personal names for new settlements. Thus the settlement founded by William Trent became known as Trenton. These three suffixes, ''-town/-ton'', ''-borough/-boro'', and ''-burgh/-burg'' became popular before the Revolution, while ''-ville'' was almost completely unused until afterward. Its post-revolutionary popularity, along with the decline in the use of ''-town'', was due in part to the pro-French sentiments which spread through the country after the war. The founding of Louisville, Kentucky, in 1780, for example, used not only the French suffix but the name of the French king. The popularity of ''-ville'' was most popular in the southern and western (Appalachian) regions of the new country, and less popular in New England.
A few ''-ville'' names pre-date the revolution, but most of them are named after European settlements or dukedoms. For example, Granville,was named for the Earl Granville(he was named himself after Granville(Normandy)). After the revolution and the decline in the use of ''-borough'' and ''-town'', the two suffixes ''-ville'' and ''-burgh/-burg'' became by far the most popular for many decades. A difference between the usage of the two is that ''-burgh/-burg'' was almost always appended to a personal name while -ville was appended to any word.
By the middle of the 19th century the ''-ville'' suffix began to lose its popularity, with newly popular suffixes with ''-wood''林, ''-hurst''林, ''-mere''凼, ''-dale''峪, and others taking over.<ref>This section on the history of ''-ville'' from [[George R. Stewart|Stewart, George R.]] (1967) Names on the Land. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company; pages 193–197, 272.</ref>