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[印度]1975年前锡金的地位及性质 [复制链接]

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只看该作者 25 发表于: 2017-07-08
回 ttslslyh 的帖子
ttslslyh:锡金皇室的后代据说现在米国,以后要是想恶心下A3,可以动动脑筋。 (2015-02-17 15:51) 

只看该作者 26 发表于: 2017-07-08
惟天有汉 鉴亦有光
实司群望 表我华阳
只看该作者 27 发表于: 2017-07-08

大中国图书局出版, 大中国图书局、亚光舆地学社联销处发行。1951年第一版。

[ 此帖被北国江南在2021-09-05 21:51重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 28 发表于: 2017-07-09
只看该作者 29 发表于: 2017-07-09
回 lw_19810512 的帖子
lw_19810512:据说,锡金不被承认是因为想和印度交换某些东西,但是最后完事后才发现,没拿到想要的 (2017-07-09 05:36)


只看该作者 30 发表于: 2017-07-13

[ 此帖被北国江南在2021-09-05 18:34重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 31 发表于: 2019-05-31

只看该作者 32 发表于: 2019-06-01

只看该作者 33 发表于: 2019-06-01


British India, which included present-day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, was divided into two types of territories: the Provinces of British India, which were governed directly by British officials responsible to the Governor-General of India; and the Indian States, under the rule of local hereditary rulers who recognised British suzerainty in return for their own kingdom, in most cases as established by treaty. As a result of the reforms of the early 20th century, most of the British provinces had directly elected legislatures as well as governors, although some of the smaller provinces were governed by a chief commissioner appointed by the Governor-General. Major reforms put forward by the British in the 1930s also recognised the principle of federalism, which was carried forward into the governance of independent India.

On 15 August 1947, British India was granted independence as the separate dominions of India and Pakistan. The British dissolved their treaty relations with more than five hundred princely states, who were encouraged to accede to either India or Pakistan, while under no compulsion to do so. Most of the states acceded to India, and a few to Pakistan. Bhutan, Hyderabad and Kashmir opted for independence, although the armed intervention of India conquered Hyderabad and brought it into the Indian Union.

South Indian states prior to the States Reorganisation ActBetween 1947 and about 1950, the territories of the princely states were politically integrated into the Indian Union. Most were merged into existing provinces; others were organised into new provinces, such as Rajputana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Bharat, and Vindhya Pradesh, made up of multiple princely states; a few, including Mysore, Hyderabad, Bhopal, and Bilaspur, became separate provinces. The Government of India Act 1935 remained the constitutional law of India pending adoption of a new Constitution.

The new Constitution of India, which came into force on 26 January 1950, made India a sovereign democratic republic. The new republic was also declared to be a "Union of States".The constitution of 1950 distinguished between three main types of states and a class of territories:

Part A states, which were the former governors' provinces of British India, were ruled by a governor appointed by the president and an elected state legislature. The nine Part A states were Assam, Bihar, Bombay, Madhya Pradesh (formerly Central Provinces and Berar), Madras, Orissa, Punjab (formerly East Punjab), Uttar Pradesh (formerly the United Provinces), and West Bengal.Part B states, which were former princely states or groups of princely states, governed by a rajpramukh, who was usually the ruler of a constituent state, and an elected legislature. The rajpramukh was appointed by the President of India. The eight Part B states were Hyderabad, Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Bharat, Mysore, Patiala and East Punjab States Union (PEPSU), Rajasthan, Saurashtra, and Travancore-Cochin.
Part C states included both the former chief commissioners' provinces and some princely states, and each was governed by a chief commissioner appointed by the President of India. The ten Part C states were Ajmer, Bhopal, Bilaspur, Coorg, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Cutch, Manipur, Tripura, and Vindhya Pradesh.The sole Part D territory was the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which were administered by a lieutenant governor appointed by the central government.

B类——有国王的土邦,包括8个,海得拉巴、查谟-克什米尔、Madhya Bharat(今属中央邦)、迈索尔邦、伯蒂亚拉与东旁遮普联合邦(今属旁遮普邦)、拉贾斯坦、索拉什特拉(今属古吉拉特邦)、特拉凡哥尔与科钦(今属喀拉拉邦)。C类——英属印度省份与土邦的混合产物,包括10个,阿杰梅尔、博帕尔、比拉斯布尔、古尔格、德里、喜马偕尔、喀奇、曼尼普尔、特里普拉、温迪亚。



第一步,3月1日进行第35次修宪,修改第80条(联邦院)、第81条(人民院),在国会两院中为锡金增设特别席位(此时锡金尚不是印度正式的邦,无法参照其他邦一样享受宪法规定的国会席位,因此要单独在宪法里给它加上,用的是特别席位的名义);在第2条(原为规定印度各邦及其领土参见宪法附表1)增设条款“Sikkim to be associated with the Union”,载明印度和锡金的关联状态(为吞并锡金作准备);增设宪法附表10,内容是印度对锡金的全面控制(把傀儡国明明确确列入宪法举世罕见)。

`TENTH SCHEDULE[Articles 2A, 80(1) and 81(1)]PART ATERRITORIES OF SIKKIM1. Sikkim.---Sikkim comprises the following territories, namely:-The territories which, immediately before the coming into force of the Government of Sikkim Act, 1974, were comprised in Sikkim.PART BTERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ASSOCIATION OF SIKKIM WITH THE UNION2. Responsibilities of the Government of India.-(1) The Government of India-(a) shall be solely responsible for the defence and territorial integrity of Sikkim and for the conduct and regulation of the external relations of Sikkim, whether political, economic or financial;(b) shall have the exclusive right of constructing, maintaining and regulating the use of railways, aerodromes, landing grounds and air navigation facilities, posts, telegraphs, telephones and wireless installations in Sikkim;(c) shall be responsible for securing the economic and social development of Sikkim and for ensuring good administration and for the maintenance of communal harmony therein;(d) shall be responsible for providing facilities for students from Sikkim in institutions for higher learning in India and for the employment of people from Sikkim in the public service of India (including the All-India Services), at par with those available to citizens of India;(e) shall be responsible for providing facilities for the participation and representation of the people of Sikkim in the political institutions of India.(2) The provisions contained in this paragraph shall not be enforceable by any court.3. Exercise of certain powers by the President.-The President may, by general or special order, provide-(a) for the inclusion of the planned development of Sikkim within the ambit of the planning authority of India while that authority is preparing plans for the economic and social development of India, and for appropriately associating officials from Sikkim in such work;(b) for the exercise of all or any of the powers vested or sought to be vested in the Government of India in or in relation to Sikkim under the Government of Sikkim Act, 1974.4. Representation in Parliament.-Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution-(a) there shall be allotted to Sikkim one seat in the Council of States and one seat in the House of the People;(b) the representative of Sikkim in the Council of States shall be elected by the members of the Sikkim Assembly;(c) the representative of Sikkim in the House of the People shall be chosen by direct election, and for this purpose, the whole of Sikkim shall form one parliamentary constituency to be called the parliamentary constituency for Sikkim:Provided that the representative of Sikkim in the House of the People in existence at the commencement of the Constitution (Thirty-fifth Amendment) Act, 1974, shall be elected by the members of the Sikkim Assembly;(d) there shall be one general electoral roll for the parliamentary constituency for Sikkim and every person whose name is for the time being entered in the electoral roll of any constituency under the Government of Sikkim Act, 1974, shall be entitled to be registered in the general electoral roll for the parliamentary constituency for Sikkim;(e) a person shall not be qualified to be the representative of Sikkim in the Council of States or the House of the People unless he is also qualified to be chosen to fill a seat in the Sikkim Assembly and in the case of any such representative-(i) clause (a) of article 84 shall apply as if the words "is a citizen of India, and" had been omitted therefrom;(ii) clause (3) of article 101 shall apply as if sub-clause (a) had been omitted therefrom;(iii) sub-clause (d) of clause (1) of article 102 shall apply as if the words "is not a citizen of India, or" had been omitted therefrom;(iv) article 103 shall not apply;(f) every representative of Sikkim in the Council of States or in the House of the People shall be deemed to be a member of the Council of States or the House of the People, as the case may be, for all the purposes of this Constitution except as respects the election of the President or the Vice-President:Provided that in he case of any such representative, clause (2) of article 101 shall apply as if for the words "a House of the Legislature of a State", in both the places where they occur, and for the words "the Legislature of the State", the words "the Sikkim Assembly" had been substituted;(g) if a representative of Sikkim, being a member of the Council of States or the House of the People, becomes subject to any of the disqualifications for being a member of the Sikkim Assembly or for being the representative of Sikkim in the Council of States or the House of the People, his seat as a member of the Council of States or the House of the People, as the case may be, shall thereupon become vacant;(h) if any question arises as to whether a representative of Sikkim, being a member of the Council of States or the House of the People, has become subject to any of the disqualifications mentioned in clause (g) of this paragraph, the question shall be referred for the decision of the President and his decision shall be final: Provided that before giving any decision on any such question, the President shall obtain the opinion of the Election Commission and shall act according to such opinion; (i) the superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of the electoral rolls for the conduct of elections to Parliament under this paragraph of the representatives of Sikkim shall be vested in the Election Commission and the provisions of clauses (2), (3), (4) and (6) of article 324 shall, so far as may be, apply to and in relation to all such elections; (j) Parliament may, subject to the provisions of this paragraph, from time to time by law make provision with respect to all matters relating to, or in connection with, such elections to either House of Parliament; (k) no such election to either House of Parliament shall be called in question except by an election petition presented to such authority and in such manner as may be provided for by or under any law made by Parliament. Explanation.-In this paragraph, the expression "the Sikkim Assembly" shall mean the Assembly for Sikkim constituted under the Government of Sikkim Act, 1974. 5. Schedule not to derogate from agreements, etc.-The provisions of this Schedule shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other power, jurisdiction, rights and authority which the Government of India has or may have in or in relation to Sikkim under any agreement, grant, usage, sufferance or other lawful arrangement.'.



[ 此帖被小灰灰看灰机在2019-06-01 18:19重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 34 发表于: 2019-06-01

只看该作者 35 发表于: 2019-06-01

只看该作者 36 发表于: 2019-06-01
只看该作者 37 发表于: 2019-06-01
回 北国江南 的帖子




There are three items in the Agenda to-day--
     1. Discussion of the Resolution that has been going on for some days.
     2. Another Resolution about Bhutan and Sikkim to be moved by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, and
     3. Budget.

The question has arisen as to how we have to deal with certain areas which are not Indian States. In this Resolution before us, Bhutan and Sikkim are mentioned.
Bhutan is in a sense an Independent State under the protection of India. Sikkim is in a sense an Indian State but different from the other. It is not proper to think of Bhutan therefore in the same category as an Indian State. I do not know what the future position of Bhutan might be in relation to India. That is a matter to be determined in consultation and in co-operation with the representatives of Bhutan. There is no question of compulsion in the matter. Now the terms of reference of the Committee you have appointed on the last occasion will not entitle it to tackle any such problem. Those terms are limited to the method of representation in this Assembly and the distribution of seats. I would like to say that there is some objection raised on the part of the Indian Princes to Negotiating Committee as to why the terms of reference have been so limited by us. They have been limited for obvious reasons--that all the later problems of the Indian States are going to be dealt with by those representatives of Indian States when they come and it would be absurd for us to come to final decisions with regard to the main problems before the representatives are here. Therefore deliberately we limited the functions of our Negotiating Committee. But in limiting them we prevented them from dealing with other problems which may arise in regard to territories which are not Indian States, specially Bhutan and Sikkim, and this Resolution gives them authority to meet representatives of Bhutan and Sikkim and discuss any special problems that may arise. I want to make it clear, on the one hand, that this Constituent Assembly has every right to discuss problems with even Independent States, if necessary. There is nothing to limit our right to discuss our future relations with the Independent States but for the moment. I am not dealing with that problem. Whatever the position of Bhutan might be, there is no question that we have the power and authority to deal with their representatives. This is in no way trying to lessen the status of Bhutan's present position. Whatever this may be it will be recognized to be something entirely different to that of Indian States. We are simply empowering our Committee to deal with the representatives and then to report to this Constituent assembly the result of those negotiations.

只看该作者 38 发表于: 2019-06-01
回 小灰灰看灰机 的帖子
锡金在印度独立后至1975年这段地位,是1947时印度制宪会议,尼赫鲁妥协的产物。尼赫鲁当时说得很明白,锡金、不丹不作为印度的一部分,它们 .. (2019-06-01 20:03) 

只看该作者 39 发表于: 2019-06-01
回 北国江南 的帖子
好比马恩岛,海峡群岛 .. (2019-06-01 18:32) 

只看该作者 40 发表于: 2019-06-01
回 外星来客 的帖子
外星来客:好像历史上的合并建制领土是不是美国领土确实是有争议的。 (2019-06-01 20:50) 

只看该作者 41 发表于: 2019-06-03
回 北国江南 的帖子
比如,从广义上讲,1867-1959年的阿拉斯加,是美国的一部分,但从狭义上讲,却不是美国一部分,要到1959年后才是。 (2019-06-01 21:00) 

只看该作者 42 发表于: 2019-06-04
Re:回 北国江南 的帖子

只看该作者 43 发表于: 2019-06-30


只看该作者 44 发表于: 2021-08-30
回 北国江南 的帖子
北国江南:如果英国1937年不把缅甸从英属印度划出来,那么有可能缅甸现在也是“印度不可分割的一部分”(当然,只是可能,也不一定如此)。 (2015-02-16 18:34) 

只看该作者 45 发表于: 2021-08-30
回 hand 的帖子
hand:支持锡金复国主义。 (2017-07-08 21:03) 

只看该作者 46 发表于: 2021-08-31
回 夕阳西下 的帖子
夕阳西下:那一定会是印巴缅分治,而且印度东北划给缅甸的概率会更大。 (2021-08-30 16:51) 

只看该作者 47 发表于: 2021-09-02
回 北国江南 的帖子
北国江南:未必,缅历史上主要是印度化。且闹腾明显比不上穆斯林及巴独分子。 (2021-08-31 11:42) 


只看该作者 48 发表于: 2021-09-02
回 夕阳西下 的帖子
....... (2021-09-02 03:01) 

只看该作者 49 发表于: 2021-09-02
回 夕阳西下 的帖子
....... (2021-09-02 03:01) 

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