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[地方财政][转贴]论地方政府间税收不当竞争的法律规制 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2008-06-20
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徐孟洲 叶姗

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  “一个国家的财政结构是分散的或集中的,要视其政体是联邦制或单一制而定,而不是相反。”[2]单一制的特征是:一切地方政府的权力均来自于中央政府授予,地方政府的重要官员由中央任命;每一级政府只管理隶属于其的下一级政府,最基层的政府才直接统治人民。单一制国家的政府间结构关系传统上仅采取自上而下的单向控制模式。然而,联邦制所主张的双向控制或曰相互依赖模式,即通过设置协调机制或制度保障因素,来确保两个层级的政府之间既在政府组成、立法与执法等层面上相互依赖、利益上又各自相对独立。中国尽管仍然坚持单一制和中央集权,实际上的政府间关系更接近相互控制模式,有经济学者认为,中国经济转型所以取得相对成功,要归功于M 型体制结构[3]或曰“创造市场的准联邦制”。[4]


  我国自1994 年实行分税制的财政体制改革以来,[7]财政分权改革逐步铺开;2003 年《中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》进一步指出:“在统一税政前提下,赋予地方适当的税政管理权”;[8]2006 年《国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》再次肯定:“调整和规范中央与地方、地方各级政府间的收支关系,建立健全与事权相匹配的财税体制”、“加快公共财政体系建设,明确界定各级政府的财政支出责任,合理调整政府间财政收入划分”。[9]目前,我国宪法和法律尚未明确界定各级政府的事权以及与之相称的财权,未来政府间的财政关系还可能存在较大幅度的调整空间。






  美国是世界上最先探索政府绩效管理的国家之一。政府绩效管理之所以兴起,财政压力是最直接的动机,公众期望的剧增敦促政府更加关心绩效,新的基础理论成果也为绩效改革提供了思想基础。美国1993年颁布、1994 年试行、2000 年全面实施的《政府绩效与结果法》是各国政府绩效改革浪潮中具有里程碑意义的代表性立法。[16]该法大力推动了美国政府绩效改革,政府绩效明显改善。政府绩效的评估指标包括公共决策的科学性、政策及法规的连续性、政府行为公开性、透明度以及公务员队伍的廉洁、务实、勤政、高效等。地方政府的绩效评估则是运用科学、规范的评价指标体系和评价方法,按照规定程序,对地方政府一定年限内的依法行政能力、经济发展、社会稳定等要素进行全面科学的定量及定性分析,作出真实、客观、公正的综合评判。[17]









  政府间税收竞争与市场竞争一样,都必须遵循竞争规律和公认的道德准则。发达国家与经济转型国家的经济、社会发展阶段不同,政府间税收竞争的理论与具体实践亦有差异。对经济转型国家来说,地方政府间税收竞争对市场的发育与市场秩序的维持至关重要,发达国家相对成熟的立法与司法体制,可以为税收竞争提供成文的竞争规则以及规范的权力约束和权利保障。而经济转型国家,很多社会制度仍在不断的调试过程中,市场机制尚未完全建立、市场秩序不稳定且多有混乱。政治上的集权传统与财政上的分权改革并存,难免出现税收立法权虽高度集中在中央,但地方政府间税收竞争也屡见不鲜的奇景。税收竞争的矛盾在经济转型期表现得更为突出,因此,本文着重探讨中国经济转型期的税收不当竞争。从制度运行效果来看,过度的税收竞争不仅不会促进经济发展,而且会导致税收的大面积流失,故可称为“有害税收竞争(harmful tax competition)”或“税收不当竞争”、“税收竞争失当”等。“有害税收竞争”一词源于经济合作与发展组织(OECD)1998 年4 月提出的研究报告《有害税收竞争:一个日益突出的全球问题》,这是针对20 世纪80 年代起各国税制改革中出现的降低税率、提供各种税收优惠的普遍趋势,包括避税港与有害税收优惠等进行的专题研究。[23]而“税收不当竞争”、“税收竞争失当”的提法,则参照竞争法上的“不正当竞争”这一违反“以公平和诚实信用原则为核心的公认商业道德”的竞争行为的提法。

  为与我国法律体系中惯常使用的法律术语保持一致,本文倾向采用“税收不当竞争”的概念。20 世纪70 年代末,中国启动渐进性的经济体制改革,现已取得巨大的经济成就。计划经济体制下的全能性政府、管制型政府向与市场经济相配套的有限型政府、服务型政府过渡,政府通过放弃由市场配置更有效率的领域来培育市场,地方积极性因获得发挥空间而得到释放,部分地区的经济率先发展,并且带动经济全面起飞。地方政府辖区内经济增长的重要原因是上下级政府之间直接的委托代理关系和经济转型期相对“软化”的制度约束环境。[24]相比之下,政治体制改革相对滞后,各级人大未能对同级政府构成有效的监督制约,上级政府对下级政府的人事任免仍有较大的发言权,而辖区内的纳税人与公共服务受益人也无法对地方政府进行有效监督。政府绩效的评估机制既不规范,也不科学。经济转型期的地方政府面临相对软化的制度约束环境,税收竞争作为发现更好制度的手段,不可能绝对消灭。从税收竞争的角度分析,经济转型中国的地方政府大致有三种类型:第一,进取型地方政府。这类地方政府主要依靠制度与技术创新、加强软环境建设来吸引税源,从而扩大税基。如沿海一些地区。第二,保护型地方政府。这类地方政府虽然也进行制度与技术创新,但创新能力有限,不足以吸收税源。为了保证一定的税基,常采取地方保护主义,依靠政府保护来创造当地企业的产品市场。如中部一些地区。第三,掠夺型地方政府。这类地方政府基本上很难创造新的税源,为维护政府的日常开支,不惜通过各种手段增加收费。财政上的困境使其陷入两难境地:一方面,搞活经济需加大投资公共设施、降低税负;另一方面,各种刚性财政支出迫使地方财政必须扩大或至少维持财政收入,税负不增反减。财政困境与经济发展水平形成相互遏制的格局。如果地方政府没有动力进行制度创新来打破这种格局,掠夺型政府可能持续更长时间。如湖北省赤壁市。[25]

  2006 年3 月,湖北省汉川市政府办公室发布《关于倡导公务接待使用小糊涂仙系列酒的通知》,给市直机关和各乡镇农场下达喝酒任务,“全市各部门全年喝小糊涂仙系列酒价值总目标为200 万元,完成任务的按照10%的奖励,完不成的通报批评。”其原因在于:2005 年,生产销售小糊涂仙系列酒的湖北云峰酒业有限公司纳税超过1300 万,是该市纳税过千万的六家企业之一,但该酒的市场份额却偏低。该文件出台20 多天后,4 月6 日,市政府又出台了新文件,称“经研究决定,关于倡导公务接待使用小糊涂仙(神)系列酒的通知,从即日起废止执行。”这是政府角色错位的典型案例,背后最大的原因在于经济利益的驱动——典型的滥用公权力促进税收增长的手段。“喝酒令”虽然只存活了短短二十余天就不幸终结,但这一终结并非来自于规范的制度规制,而是来自于群众监督的力量:自媒体披露“喝酒令”以来,各方的反对意见不绝于耳。这一局面是正式制度缺失时规制税收竞争的权宜之计。





  相比发达国家“财权与事权的界限法定”的情况来说,我国政府间财权与事权的界限不明确,因此,地方政府选择的税收竞争方式,很容易受税权划分的意外变动和频繁调整的负面影响。换言之,地方政府因对中央缺乏必要信任,而不惜各显神通,在税源的争夺上大动脑筋。改革开放后到1994 年税制改革前,地方政府间税收竞争围绕着给外资提供税收减免优惠展开,表现出地方政府侵犯中央政府统一税权的特点;1994 年税制改革后,地方政府间税收竞争转向税收返还政策上的竞争,地方政府将税收返还给投资者,以吸引投资。










  结 论

  如果仅仅以GDP 的指标来衡量,中国地方间税收竞争的确对中国经济发展取得的瞩目成就贡献良多。地方政府长期主导资源配置、充当经济建设和投资主体角色,堪称“经济建设型政府”。然而,经济发展的衡量标准不应局限于单一指标,我国地方政府正逐渐向“公共服务型政府”转变,地方政府也渐渐意识到“合纵连横”的重要性:陆续展开区域经济合作。2005 年底的中央经济工作会议上,中央明确提出“要建立全国统一的市场”,重新调整经济区域划分。可以预见,区域经济合作将会改善目前的地方政府间关系。政府间的竞争、合作与联动是政府间围绕着稀缺的资源展开的,即便是合作,法律规制仍是不可或缺的。因为,法律规制是实现公正的重要手段和保障,规范的法律规制将会有力地促进社会和谐。


  [2] [美]理查德•A•马斯格雷夫著,董勤发译:《比较财政分析》,上海三联书店、上海人民出版社1996 年版,第325 页。 
  [3]M 型结构是指财政立法权集中于中央,但具体的财政收支工作由各地方具有相对独立地位的财务中心来完成。参见钱颖一、罗兰穗 
 和许成钢:《M型和U型组织的协调性变革》,《现代企业理论与中国经济改革》,社会科学文献出版社1997 年版。 
  [5]寇铁军:《关于中央与地方财政关系的定性分析》,《财经问题研究》1997 年第11 期,第32 页。 
  [6]张靖华:《西方财政分权理论综述》,《开发研究》2005 年第2 期,第114 页。 
  [7]《国务院关于实行分税制财政管理体制的决定》([1993]国发第85 号)(1993 年12 月15 日) 
  [8]中共中央第十六届三中全会《关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》(2004 年10 月21 日) 
  [9]中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》(2006 年3 月16 日)。 
  [10]关于财政联邦制的诸理论,参见杨志勇著:《比较财政学》,复旦大学出版社2005 年版。 
  [11]毛程连主编:《西方财政思想史》,经济科学出版社2003 年版,第397-419 页。 
  [12]Carsten Herrmann-Pillath 著,陈凌译:《政府竞争:大国体制转型理论的分析范式》,德国维滕大学讨论文稿,1999 年第42 期。 
  [13]颜如春:《关于建立我国政府绩效评估体系的思考》,《行政论坛》2003 年第9 期,第17 页。 
  [14]朱火弟、蒲勇健:《政府绩效评估研究》,《改革》,2003 年第6 期第18-22 页。 
  [15]关于“以消费者保护为中心构造经济法的体系”的论述,参见徐孟洲、谢增毅:《论消费者及消费者保护在经济法中的地位——“以人为本”理念与经济法主体和体系的新思考》,《现代法学》2005 年第4 期,第122-128 页。 
  [16]Government Performance and Results Act of 1993”,详见美国白宫“管理与预算办公室”(Office of Management and Budget,简称OMB)网站,http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/mgmt-gpra/gplaw2m.html。 
  [17]王良健、侯文力:《地方政府绩效评估指标体系及评估方法研究》,《软科学》2005 年第4 期,第11-14 页。 
  [18]Albert Breton. Competitive Governments: An Economic Theory of Politic Finance. Cambridge University Press. 1996. 
  [19]John D. Wilson, David E. Wildasin. Tax Competition: Bane or Boon.The office of tax policy research/institute for fiscal studies conference, “World tax competition”, held on May 24-25, 2001,London,UK:P2- P3. 
  [20]杨志勇著:《比较财政学》,复旦大学出版社2005 年版,第217 页。 
  [21]张会萍:《审视税收竞争》,《税务研究》2001 年第7 期,第8 页。 
  [22]周克清:《政府间税收竞争及其界定》,《吉林财税高等专科学校学报》2005 年第2 期,第18 页。 
  [23]“1998 Harmful Tax Competition:A emerging global issue”,http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/33/1/1904184.pdf。 
  [24]李军杰、周卫峰:《基于政府间竞争的地方政府经济行为分析——以“铁本事件”为例》,《经济社会体制比较》2005 年第1 期,第49-54 页。 
  [25]周业安、赵晓男:《地方政府竞争模式研究——构建地方政府间良性竞争秩序的理论和政策分析》,《管理世界》2002 年第11 期,第7-10 页。 
  [26]当然,促成中国20 多年来经济高速增长的原因很复杂,决不是某一个别因素使然。税收竞争只是其中之一。 
  [28]《透视“地方政府经济圈”行为异化现象》,《经济参考报》2004 年7 月12 日。 
  [29]苏明:《中国地方税税权划分研究》,《涉外税务》2000 年第5 期,第20-25 页。 
  [31]孙笑侠:《司法权的本质是判断权——司法权与行政权的十大区别》,《法学》1998 年第8 期,第34 页。 
  [32]OECD 通过国际间有害税收竞争的研究报告,明确列举了判断几个标准,可供参考:对所得实行低税率或零税率、税收制度封闭保守、税制运作缺乏透明度、不能有效地与其他国家进行信息交流。 
  [33]杨建顺:《公共选择理论与司法权的界限》,《法学论坛》2003 年第3 期,第12 页。 
  [34]刘海波:《中央与地方政府间关系的司法调节》,《法学研究》2004 年第5 期,第36 页。 
  [35]参见《国民经济与社会发展第十一个五年规划》(2006-2010),2006 年3 月。 
  [37]黄欣:《反垄断法应当具有先进性》,《法制日报》2001 年9 月18 日,第3 版。 
【出处】原载于《政治与法律》2006 年第6 期。
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2008-06-20
Government Performance Results Act
Government Performance Results Act of 1993
Return to OMB Title page of guidance to agencies

[Although there are minor coding and format problems that resulted from the translation of the original code into ASCII, these should not interfere with the use of this file to gain an understanding of the content of the law.]

One Hundred Third Congress
of the
United States of America

Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday, the fifth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three.

An Act

To provide for the establishment of strategic planning and performance measurement in the Federal Government, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the "Government Performance and Results Act of 1993".


(a) Findings.-The Congress finds that-

(1) waste and inefficiency in Federal programs undermine the confidence of the American people in the Government and reduces the Federal Government's ability to address adequately vital public needs;
(2) Federal managers are seriously disadvantaged in their efforts to improve program efficiency and effectiveness, because of insufficient articulation of program goals and inadequate information on program performance; and
(3) congressional policymaking, spending decisions and program oversight are seriously handicapped by insufficient attention to program performance and results.

(b) Purposes.-The purposes of this Act are to-

(1) improve the confidence of the American people in the capability of the Federal Government, by systematically holding Federal agencies accountable for achieving program results;
(2) initiate program performance reform with a series of pilot projects in setting program goals, measuring program performance against those goals, and reporting publicly on their progress;
(3) improve Federal program effectiveness and public accountability by promoting a new focus on results, service quality, and customer satisfaction;
(4) help Federal managers improve service delivery, by requiring that they plan for meeting program objectives and by providing them with information about program results and service quality;
(5) improve congressional decisionmaking by providing more objective information on achieving statutory objectives, and on the relative effectiveness and efficiency of Federal programs and spending; and
(6) improve internal management of the Federal Government.


Chapter 3 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding after section 305 the following new section:

"Sec. 306. Strategic plans

"(a) No later than September 30, 1997, the head of each agency shall submit to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and to the Congress a strategic plan for program activities. Such plan shall contain-

"(1) a comprehensive mission statement covering the major functions and operations of the agency;

"(2) general goals and objectives, including outcome- related goals and objectives, for the major functions and operations of the agency;

"(3) a description of how the goals and objectives are to be achieved, including a description of the operational processes, skills and technology, and the human, capital, information, and other resources required to meet those goals and objectives;

"(4) a description of how the performance goals included in the plan required by section 1115(a) of title 31 shall be related to the general goals and objectives in the strategic plan;

"(5) an identification of those key factors external to the agency and beyond its control that could significantly affect the achievement of the general goals and objectives; and

"(6) a description of the program evaluations used in establishing or revising general goals and objectives, with a schedule for future program evaluations.

"(b) The strategic plan shall cover a period of not less than five years forward from the fiscal year in which it is submitted, and shall be updated and revised at least every three years.

"(c) The performance plan required by section 1115 of title 31 shall be consistent with the agency's strategic plan. A performance plan may not be submitted for a fiscal year not covered by a current strategic plan under this section.

"(d) When developing a strategic plan, the agency shall consult with the Congress, and shall solicit and consider the views and suggestions of those entities potentially affected by or interested in such a plan.

"(e) The functions and activities of this section shall be considered to be inherently Governmental functions. The drafting of strategic plans under this section shall be performed only by Federal employees.

"(f) For purposes of this section the term 'agency' means an Executive agency defined under section 105, but does not include the Central Intelligence Agency, the General Accounting Office, the Panama Canal Commission, the United States Postal Service, and the Postal Rate Commission.".


(a) Budget Contents and Submission to Congress.-Section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph:

"(29) beginning with fiscal year 1999, a Federal Government performance plan for the overall budget as provided for under section 1115.".

(b) Performance Plans and Reports.-Chapter 11 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding after section 1114 the following new sections:

"Sec. 1115. Performance plans

"(a) In carrying out the provisions of section 1105(a)(29), the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall require each agency to prepare an annual performance plan covering each program activity set forth in the budget of such agency. Such plan shall-

"(1) establish performance goals to define the level of performance to be achieved by a program activity;

"(2) express such goals in an objective, quantifiable, and measurable form unless authorized to be in an alternative form under subsection (b);

"(3) briefly describe the operational processes, skills and technology, and the human, capital, information, or other resources required to meet the performance goals;

"(4) establish performance indicators to be used in measuring or assessing the relevant outputs, service levels, and outcomes of each program activity;

"(5) provide a basis for comparing actual program results with the established performance goals; and

"(6) describe the means to be used to verify and validate measured values.

"(b) If an agency, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, determines that it is not feasible to express the performance goals for a particular program activity in an objective, quantifiable, and measurable form, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget may authorize an alternative form. Such alternative form shall-

"(1) include separate descriptive statements of-

"(A)(i) a minimally effective program, and

"(ii) a successful program, or

"(B) such alternative as authorized by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, with sufficient precision and in such terms that would allow for an accurate, independent determination of whether the program activity's performance meets the criteria of the description; or

"(2) state why it is infeasible or impractical to express a performance goal in any form for the program activity.

"(c) For the purpose of complying with this section, an agency may aggregate, disaggregate, or consolidate program activities, except that any aggregation or consolidation may not omit or minimize the significance of any program activity constituting a major function or operation for the agency.

"(d) An agency may submit with its annual performance plan an appendix covering any portion of the plan that-

"(1) is specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy; and

"(2) is properly classified pursuant to such Executive order.

"(e) The functions and activities of this section shall be considered to be inherently Governmental functions. The drafting of performance plans under this section shall be performed only by Federal employees.

"(f) For purposes of this section and sections 1116 through 1119, and sections 9703 and 9704 the term-

"(1) 'agency' has the same meaning as such term is defined under section 306(f) of title 5;

"(2) 'outcome measure' means an assessment of the results of a program activity compared to its intended purpose;

"(3) 'output measure' means the tabulation, calculation, or recording of activity or effort and can be expressed in a quantitative or qualitative manner;

"(4) 'performance goal' means a target level of performance expressed as a tangible, measurable objective, against which actual achievement can be compared, including a goal expressed as a quantitative standard, value, or rate;

"(5) 'performance indicator' means a particular value or characteristic used to measure output or outcome;

"(6) 'program activity' means a specific activity or project as listed in the program and financing schedules of the annual budget of the United States Government; and

"(7) 'program evaluation' means an assessment, through objective measurement and systematic analysis, of the manner and extent to which Federal programs achieve intended objectives.

"Sec. 1116. Program performance reports

"(a) No later than March 31, 2000, and no later than March 31 of each year thereafter, the head of each agency shall prepare and submit to the President and the Congress, a report on program performance for the previous fiscal year.

"(b)(1) Each program performance report shall set forth the performance indicators established in the agency performance plan under section 1115, along with the actual program performance achieved compared with the performance goals expressed in the plan for that fiscal year.

"(2) If performance goals are specified in an alternative form under section 1115(b), the results of such program shall be described in relation to such specifications, including whether the performance failed to meet the criteria of a minimally effective or successful program.

"(c) The report for fiscal year 2000 shall include actual results for the preceding fiscal year, the report for fiscal year 2001 shall include actual results for the two preceding fiscal years, and the report for fiscal year 2002 and all subsequent reports shall include actual results for the three preceding fiscal years.

"(d) Each report shall-

"(1) review the success of achieving the performance goals of the fiscal year;

"(2) evaluate the performance plan for the current fiscal year relative to the performance achieved toward the performance goals in the fiscal year covered by the report;

"(3) explain and describe, where a performance goal has not been met (including when a program activity's performance is determined not to have met the criteria of a successful program activity under section 1115(b)(1)(A)(ii) or a corresponding level of achievement if another alternative form is used)-

"(A) why the goal was not met;

"(B) those plans and schedules for achieving the established performance goal; and

"(C) if the performance goal is impractical or infeasible, why that is the case and what action is recommended;

"(4) describe the use and assess the effectiveness in achieving performance goals of any waiver under section 9703 of this title; and

"(5) include the summary findings of those program evaluations completed during the fiscal year covered by the report.

"(e) An agency head may include all program performance information required annually under this section in an annual financial statement required under section 3515 if any such statement is submitted to the Congress no later than March 31 of the applicable fiscal year.

"(f) The functions and activities of this section shall be considered to be inherently Governmental functions. The drafting of program performance reports under this section shall be performed only by Federal employees.

"Sec. 1117. Exemption

"The Director of the Office of Management and Budget may exempt from the requirements of sections 1115 and 1116 of this title and section 306 of title 5, any agency with annual outlays of $20,000,000 or less.".


(a) Managerial Accountability and Flexibility.-Chapter 97 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding after section 9702, the following new section:

"Sec. 9703. Managerial accountability and flexibility

"(a) Beginning with fiscal year 1999, the performance plans required under section 1115 may include proposals to waive administrative procedural requirements and controls, including specification of personnel staffing levels, limitations on compensation or remuneration, and prohibitions or restrictions on funding transfers among budget object classification 20 and subclassifications 11, 12, 31, and 32 of each annual budget submitted under section 1105, in return for specific individual or organization accountability to achieve a performance goal. In preparing and submitting the performance plan under section 1105(a)(29), the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall review and may approve any proposed waivers. A waiver shall take effect at the beginning of the fiscal year for which the waiver is approved.

"(b) Any such proposal under subsection (a) shall describe the anticipated effects on performance resulting from greater managerial or organizational flexibility, discretion, and authority, and shall quantify the expected improvements in performance resulting from any waiver. The expected improvements shall be compared to current actual performance, and to the projected level of performance that would be achieved independent of any waiver.

"(c) Any proposal waiving limitations on compensation or remuneration shall precisely express the monetary change in compensation or remuneration amounts, such as bonuses or awards, that shall result from meeting, exceeding, or failing to meet performance goals.

"(d) Any proposed waiver of procedural requirements or controls imposed by an agency (other than the proposing agency or the Office of Management and Budget) may not be included in a performance plan unless it is endorsed by the agency that established the requirement, and the endorsement included in the proposing agency's performance plan.

"(e) A waiver shall be in effect for one or two years as specified by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget in approving the waiver. A waiver may be renewed for a subsequent year. After a waiver has been in effect for three consecutive years, the performance plan prepared under section 1115 may propose that a waiver, other than a waiver of limitations on compensation or remuneration, be made permanent.

"(f) For purposes of this section, the definitions under section 1115(f) shall apply.".


(a) Performance Plans and Reports.-Chapter 11 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1117 (as added by section 4 of this Act) the following new section:

"Sec. 1118. Pilot projects for performance goals

"(a) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget, after consultation with the head of each agency, shall designate not less than ten agencies as pilot projects in performance measurement for fiscal years 1994, 1995, and 1996. The selected agencies shall reflect a representative range of Government functions and capabilities in measuring and reporting program performance.

"(b) Pilot projects in the designated agencies shall undertake the preparation of performance plans under section 1115, and program performance reports under section 1116, other than section 1116(c), for one or more of the major functions and operations of the agency. A strategic plan shall be used when preparing agency performance plans during one or more years of the pilot period.

"(c) No later than May 1, 1997, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall submit a report to the President and to the Congress which shall-

"(1) assess the benefits, costs, and usefulness of the plans and reports prepared by the pilot agencies in meeting the purposes of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993;

"(2) identify any significant difficulties experienced by the pilot agencies in preparing plans and reports; and

"(3) set forth any recommended changes in the requirements of the provisions of Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, section 306 of title 5, sections 1105, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1119 and 9703 of this title, and this section.".

(b) Managerial Accountability and Flexibility.-Chapter 97 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 9703 (as added by section 5 of this Act) the following new section:

"Sec. 9704. Pilot projects for managerial accountability and flexibility

"(a) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall designate not less than five agencies as pilot projects in managerial accountability and flexibility for fiscal years 1995 and 1996. Such agencies shall be selected from those designated as pilot projects under section 1118 and shall reflect a representative range of Government functions and capabilities in measuring and reporting program performance.

"(b) Pilot projects in the designated agencies shall include proposed waivers in accordance with section 9703 for one or more of the major functions and operations of the agency.

"(c) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall include in the report to the President and to the Congress required under section 1118(c)-

"(1) an assessment of the benefits, costs, and usefulness of increasing managerial and organizational flexibility, discretion, and authority in exchange for improved performance through a waiver; and

"(2) an identification of any significant difficulties experienced by the pilot agencies in preparing proposed waivers.

"(d) For purposes of this section the definitions under section 1115(f) shall apply.".

(c) Performance Budgeting.-Chapter 11 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1118 (as added by section 6 of this Act) the following new section:

"Sec. 1119. Pilot projects for performance budgeting

"(a) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget, after consultation with the head of each agency shall designate not less than five agencies as pilot projects in performance budgeting for fiscal years 1998 and 1999. At least three of the agencies shall be selected from those designated as pilot projects under section 1118, and shall also reflect a representative range of Government functions and capabilities in measuring and reporting program performance.

"(b) Pilot projects in the designated agencies shall cover the preparation of performance budgets. Such budgets shall present, for one or more of the major functions and operations of the agency, the varying levels of performance, including outcome-related performance, that would result from different budgeted amounts.

"(c) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall include, as an alternative budget presentation in the budget submitted under section 1105 for fiscal year 1999, the performance budgets of the designated agencies for this fiscal year.

"(d) No later than March 31, 2001, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall transmit a report to the President and to the Congress on the performance budgeting pilot projects which shall-

"(1) assess the feasibility and advisability of including a performance budget as part of the annual budget submitted under section 1105;

"(2) describe any difficulties encountered by the pilot agencies in preparing a performance budget;

"(3) recommend whether legislation requiring performance budgets should be proposed and the general provisions of any legislation; and

"(4) set forth any recommended changes in the other requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, section 306 of title 5, sections 1105, 1115, 1116, 1117, and 9703 of this title, and this section.

"(e) After receipt of the report required under subsection (d), the Congress may specify that a performance budget be submitted as part of the annual budget submitted under section 1105.".


Part III of title 39, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new chapter:



"2801. Definitions.

"2802. Strategic plans.

"2803. Performance plans.

"2804. Program performance reports.

"2805. Inherently Governmental functions.

"Sec. 2801. Definitions

"For purposes of this chapter the term-

"(1) 'outcome measure' refers to an assessment of the results of a program activity compared to its intended purpose;

"(2) 'output measure' refers to the tabulation, calculation, or recording of activity or effort and can be expressed in a quantitative or qualitative manner;

"(3) 'performance goal' means a target level of performance expressed as a tangible, measurable objective, against which actual achievement shall be compared, including a goal expressed as a quantitative standard, value, or rate;

"(4) 'performance indicator' refers to a particular value or characteristic used to measure output or outcome;

"(5) 'program activity' means a specific activity related to the mission of the Postal Service; and

"(6) 'program evaluation' means an assessment, through objective measurement and systematic analysis, of the manner and extent to which Postal Service programs achieve intended objectives.

"Sec. 2802. Strategic plans

"(a) No later than September 30, 1997, the Postal Service shall submit to the President and the Congress a strategic plan for its program activities. Such plan shall contain-

"(1) a comprehensive mission statement covering the major functions and operations of the Postal Service;

"(2) general goals and objectives, including outcome- related goals and objectives, for the major functions and operations of the Postal Service;

"(3) a description of how the goals and objectives are to be achieved, including a description of the operational processes, skills and technology, and the human, capital, information, and other resources required to meet those goals and objectives;

"(4) a description of how the performance goals included in the plan required under section 2803 shall be related to the general goals and objectives in the strategic plan;

"(5) an identification of those key factors external to the Postal Service and beyond its control that could significantly affect the achievement of the general goals and objectives; and

"(6) a description of the program evaluations used in establishing or revising general goals and objectives, with a schedule for future program evaluations.

"(b) The strategic plan shall cover a period of not less than five years forward from the fiscal year in which it is submitted, and shall be updated and revised at least every three years.

"(c) The performance plan required under section 2803 shall be consistent with the Postal Service's strategic plan. A performance plan may not be submitted for a fiscal year not covered by a current strategic plan under this section.

"(d) When developing a strategic plan, the Postal Service shall solicit and consider the views and suggestions of those entities potentially affected by or interested in such a plan, and shall advise the Congress of the contents of the plan.

"Sec. 2803. Performance plans

"(a) The Postal Service shall prepare an annual performance plan covering each program activity set forth in the Postal Service budget, which shall be included in the comprehensive statement presented under section 2401(g) of this title. Such plan shall-

"(1) establish performance goals to define the level of performance to be achieved by a program activity;

"(2) express such goals in an objective, quantifiable, and measurable form unless an alternative form is used under subsection (b);

"(3) briefly describe the operational processes, skills and technology, and the human, capital, information, or other resources required to meet the performance goals;

"(4) establish performance indicators to be used in measuring or assessing the relevant outputs, service levels, and outcomes of each program activity;

"(5) provide a basis for comparing actual program results with the established performance goals; and

"(6) describe the means to be used to verify and validate measured values.

"(b) If the Postal Service determines that it is not feasible to express the performance goals for a particular program activity in an objective, quantifiable, and measurable form, the Postal Service may use an alternative form. Such alternative form shall-

"(1) include separate descriptive statements of-

"(A) a minimally effective program, and

"(B) a successful program,

with sufficient precision and in such terms that would allow for an accurate, independent determination of whether the program activity's performance meets the criteria of either description; or

"(2) state why it is infeasible or impractical to express a performance goal in any form for the program activity.

"(c) In preparing a comprehensive and informative plan under this section, the Postal Service may aggregate, disaggregate, or consolidate program activities, except that any aggregation or consolidation may not omit or minimize the significance of any program activity constituting a major function or operation.

"(d) The Postal Service may prepare a non-public annex to its plan covering program activities or parts of program activities relating to-

"(1) the avoidance of interference with criminal prosecution; or

"(2) matters otherwise exempt from public disclosure under section 410(c) of this title.

"Sec. 2804. Program performance reports

"(a) The Postal Service shall prepare a report on program performance for each fiscal year, which shall be included in the annual comprehensive statement presented under section 2401(g) of this title.

"(b)(1) The program performance report shall set forth the performance indicators established in the Postal Service performance plan, along with the actual program performance achieved compared with the performance goals expressed in the plan for that fiscal year.

"(2) If performance goals are specified by descriptive statements of a minimally effective program activity and a successful program activity, the results of such program shall be described in relationship to those categories, including whether the performance failed to meet the criteria of either category.

"(c) The report for fiscal year 2000 shall include actual results for the preceding fiscal year, the report for fiscal year 2001 shall include actual results for the two preceding fiscal years, and the report for fiscal year 2002 and all subsequent reports shall include actual results for the three preceding fiscal years.

"(d) Each report shall-

"(1) review the success of achieving the performance goals of the fiscal year;

"(2) evaluate the performance plan for the current fiscal year relative to the performance achieved towards the performance goals in the fiscal year covered by the report;

"(3) explain and describe, where a performance goal has not been met (including when a program activity's performance is determined not to have met the criteria of a successful program activity under section 2803(b)(2))-

"(A) why the goal was not met;

"(B) those plans and schedules for achieving the established performance goal; and

"(C) if the performance goal is impractical or infeasible, why that is the case and what action is recommended; and

"(4) include the summary findings of those program evaluations completed during the fiscal year covered by the report.

"Sec. 2805. Inherently Governmental functions

"The functions and activities of this chapter shall be considered to be inherently Governmental functions. The drafting of strategic plans, performance plans, and program performance reports under this section shall be performed only by employees of the Postal Service.".


(a) In General.-Nothing in this Act shall be construed as limiting the ability of Congress to establish, amend, suspend, or annul a performance goal. Any such action shall have the effect of superseding that goal in the plan submitted under section 1105(a)(29) of title 31, United States Code.

(b) GAO Report.-No later than June 1, 1997, the Comptroller General of the United States shall report to Congress on the implementation of this Act, including the prospects for compliance by Federal agencies beyond those participating as pilot projects under sections 1118 and 9704 of title 31, United States Code.


The Office of Personnel Management shall, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Comptroller General of the United States, develop a strategic planning and performance measurement training component for its management training program and otherwise provide managers with an orientation on the development and use of strategic planning and program performance measurement.


No provision or amendment made by this Act may be construed as-

(1) creating any right, privilege, benefit, or entitlement for any person who is not an officer or employee of the United States acting in such capacity, and no person who is not an officer or employee of the United States acting in such capacity shall have standing to file any civil action in a court of the United States to enforce any provision or amendment made by this Act; or

(2) superseding any statutory requirement, including any requirement under section 553 of title 5, United States Code.


(a) Amendment to Title 5, United States Code.-The table of sections for chapter 3 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding after the item relating to section 305 the following:

"306. Strategic plans.".

(b) Amendments to Title 31, United States Code.-

(1) Amendment to chapter 11.-The table of sections for chapter 11 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding after the item relating to section 1114 the following:

"1115. Performance plans.

"1116. Program performance reports.

"1117. Exemptions.

"1118. Pilot projects for performance goals.

"1119. Pilot projects for performance budgeting.".

(2) Amendment to chapter 97.-The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding after the item relating to section 9702 the following:

"9703. Managerial accountability and flexibility.

"9704. Pilot projects for managerial accountability and flexibility.".

(c) Amendment to Title 39, United States Code.-The table of chapters for part III of title 39, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new item:

"28. Strategic planning and performance management 2801".

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate.
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