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[经济][转]★世界GDP排名【2008年】 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2009-04-18
— 本帖被 keating 执行合并操作(2016-07-20) —


1. 美国继续领先
美国2008年GDP14.33万亿美元,继续居世界首位。但其实际经济增长率仅为1.4%,是其近十多年来最低的,而2009年则会陷入负增长,表明美国经济衰退已不可避免,什么时候能复苏尚不能确定。名义增长率方面,2008年美国GDP仅增长了3.9%,而其消费者价格指数(CPI)上涨4.2%,其 PPI则是负增长,说明美国通缩的趋势已经显现。由于美国GDP总量比第2名日本、第3名中国、第4名德国的总和还多1.4万多亿美元,表明美国的领先优势未来二三十年内不可动摇。


2008年以美元计算的日本GDP为4.844万亿,名义增长了11.5%,这主要因为去年下半年最后几个月日元对美元大幅度升值,因而拉高了日本以美元计价的名义GDP。实际增长率日本2008年仅有0.7%,接近于零增长,因为2007年日本经济实际增长率还有2.1%。日本2007年的实际GDP为 5608164亿日元,名义GDP为5158048亿日元(日本自2000年以来进入通货紧缩期,因此各年的名义GDP都要低于当年的实际 GDP),2008年实际增长0.7%,CPI上涨1.8%。

2009年,日元汇率如果继续保持在高位运行,那对日本经济的打击将是巨大的,因为升值以来的2008年11月份,日本出口负增长27%,12月份负增长 35%,2009年1月份继续恶化,有国际机构预测2009年日本经济将负增长2.6%。也就是说日元如果不贬值,2009年日本以美元计价的名义GDP 将只会比2008年略多一点,在4.9-5.1万亿美元之间。






俄罗斯和巴西暴涨这么多是因为2008年石油和铁矿石大部时间价格处于高位,暴跌也只是最后几个月的事情,所以全年平均下来,再加上俄罗斯全年的通胀率在 13.9%,巴西的通胀率在5.8%,俄罗斯和巴西以美元计价的名义GDP才能暴涨这么多,因而俄罗斯由第10位上升到第8位,巴西由第11位升至第10 位。

但是2009年原油价格很难再次上涨到100美元以上,基本上在30-50美元之间徘徊,加上俄罗斯和巴西货币急剧贬值,这两个国家的以美元计价的GDP 可能出现负增长。印度全年经济虽然增长了7.3%,通胀率也在7.8%,但在国际金融危机出现后,卢比也贬值了20%以上,所以去年以美元计价的GDP才只增长了13.5%。2009年,这三个国家的以美元计价的GDP可能增长幅度不大,甚至有的负增长。

2008年意大利继续保持第7位,以美元计价名义GDP增长16%,而其实际为零增长,这是因为欧元升值的影响。同样的原因,西班牙增长18.9%,加拿大增长11.2%,墨西哥增长28.9%,澳大利亚增长20.2%,都是因为本国货币兑美元升值的影响,澳大利亚则还有铁矿石暴涨的原因,而韩国负增长 3%,则是因为韩元贬值。这样,它们这几个国家的排位就发生了变化。韩国由第13位降到第15位,墨西哥升至13位。

韩国总统李明博雄心勃勃“747”计划严重受挫。韩国的“747”计划是指GDP年均增长7%,人均GDP达到4万美元,GDP总量跻身世界第7位。结果,韩国GDP由2006年的世界第11位掉到2007年的第13位,进而继续掉到2008年的第15位。人均GDP方面,2007年韩国刚刚欢呼超过2 万美元,结果2008年又掉到2万美元以内了。

世界地图的国内生产总值(名义和购买力平价 ) 。 Figures are from the CIA World Factbook for 2007.数字是由美国中央情报局世界概况 2007年。
[ 此帖被鸟瞰这地球在2009-04-18 17:20重新编辑 ]
◥▇▆▅$︻o中國未來在西部;西部希望在青海;青海的明天在格爾木? ≡★≡青藏建設兵團/再再警示國人!
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2009-03-19
国 家 GDP 实际增长率
[--]欧盟 18.93 1.5%
[1]美国 14.33 1.4%
[2]日本 4.844 0.7%
[3]中国 4.222 9.0%
[4]德国 3.818 1.7%
[5]法国 2.978 0.9%
[6]英国 2.787 1.1%
[7]意大利 2.399 0.0%
[8]俄罗斯 1.757 6.0%
[9]西班牙 1.683 1.3%
[10]巴西 1.665 5.2%
[11]加拿大 1.564 0.7%
[12]印度 1.237 7.3%
[13]墨西哥 1.143 2.0%
[14]澳大利亚 1.069 2.1%
[15]韩国 0.953 4.3%

2008年世界各国GDP排名及分析2009-02-19 20:34美国中央情报局(CIA)网站世界概况栏目发表了2008年各国最新的GDP数据,前15名如下:美国、日本、中国、德国、法国、英国、意大利、俄罗斯、西班牙、巴西、加拿大、印度、墨西哥、澳大利亚、韩国。

1. 美国遥遥领先,其领先地位至少还要保持二三十年。













只看该作者 2 发表于: 2009-03-19
只看该作者 3 发表于: 2009-03-19
只看该作者 4 发表于: 2009-03-19
只看该作者 5 发表于: 2009-03-19
只看该作者 6 发表于: 2009-03-19

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2009-03-20
只看该作者 8 发表于: 2009-03-20
引用第6楼路过客人于2009-03-20 13:10发表的  :

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2009-03-21
前几天看一篇文章 对比的是第二产业 ,也就是传统意义上的实体工业
这个数据来看 在传统的实体工业经济上,即使按美元计价 中美差距也是越来越近了
只看该作者 10 发表于: 2009-03-21
引用第9楼lande于2009-03-21 22:01发表的  :
前几天看一篇文章 对比的是第二产业 ,也就是传统意义上的实体工业
这个数据来看 在传统的实体工业经济上,即使按美元计价 中美差距也是越来越近了

只看该作者 11 发表于: 2009-03-22
引用第8楼ykk1901于2009-03-21 16:28发表的  :

只看该作者 12 发表于: 2009-03-25
只看该作者 13 发表于: 2009-03-26
一阴一阳 无终无始
终者日终 始者自始
只看该作者 14 发表于: 2009-04-18
◥▇▆▅$︻o中國未來在西部;西部希望在青海;青海的明天在格爾木? ≡★≡青藏建設兵團/再再警示國人!
只看该作者 15 发表于: 2009-04-18
只看该作者 16 发表于: 2009-04-19
回 2楼(liang21) 的帖子
那是维基的图 还有中印边境呢

只看该作者 17 发表于: 2009-04-19
韩国的747计划很吹牛 按照李明博的想法2020年韩国就能跻身世界前七大国
贫僧自知功力不够 尚不能隔衣疗伤 ,师太,老衲失礼了…
只看该作者 18 发表于: 2009-04-19
只看该作者 19 发表于: 2009-04-19
只看该作者 20 发表于: 2009-04-20
只看该作者 21 发表于: 2009-04-21

只看该作者 22 发表于: 2009-05-10
Country Subject Descriptor Units Scale Country/Series-specific Notes 2008

Afghanistan, Rep. of. Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  12.061
Albania Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  12.964
Algeria Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  159.669
Angola Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  83.384
Antigua and Barbuda Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.256
Argentina Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  326.474
Armenia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  11.928
Australia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1,010.699
Austria Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  415.321
Azerbaijan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  46.378
Bahamas, The Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  7.463
Bahrain Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  21.236
Bangladesh Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  81.938
Barbados Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  3.682
Belarus Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  60.288
Belgium Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  506.392
Belize Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.381
Benin Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  6.940
Bhutan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.368
Bolivia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  17.413
Bosnia and Herzegovina Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  18.469
Botswana Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  13.461
Brazil Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1,572.839
Brunei Darussalam Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  14.553
Bulgaria Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  51.989
Burkina Faso Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  8.103
Burundi Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.097
Cambodia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  11.182
Cameroon Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  23.243
Canada Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1,510.957
Cape Verde Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.723
Central African Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.997
Chad Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  8.390
Chile Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  169.573
China Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  4,401.614
Colombia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  240.654
Comoros Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.532
Congo, Democratic Republic of Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  11.589
Congo, Republic of Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  10.774
Costa Rica Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  29.828
Côte d'Ivoire Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  23.508
Croatia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  69.332
Cyprus Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  24.943
Czech Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  217.077
Denmark Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  342.925
Djibouti Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.982
Dominica Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.364
Dominican Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  45.597
Ecuador Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  52.572
Egypt Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  162.164
El Salvador Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  22.115
Equatorial Guinea Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  18.525
Eritrea Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.476
Estonia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  23.232
Ethiopia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  25.658
Fiji Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  3.590
Finland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  273.980
France Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  2,865.737
Gabon Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  14.519
Gambia, The Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.808
Georgia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  12.870
Germany Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  3,667.513
Ghana Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  16.124
Greece Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  357.549
Grenada Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.639
Guatemala Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  38.956
Guinea Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  4.542
Guinea-Bissau Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.461
Guyana Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.130
Haiti Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  6.952
Honduras Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  14.126
Hong Kong SAR Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  215.559
Hungary Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  156.284
Iceland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  17.549
India Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1,209.686
Indonesia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  511.765
Iran, Islamic Republic of Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  344.820
Iraq Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  90.907
Ireland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  273.328
Israel Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  201.761
Italy Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  2,313.893
Jamaica Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  14.397
Japan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  4,923.761
Jordan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  20.030
Kazakhstan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  132.229
Kenya Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  30.236
Kiribati Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.137
Korea Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  947.010
Kuwait Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  158.089
Kyrgyz Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  5.049
Lao People's Democratic Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  5.260
Latvia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  34.054
Lebanon Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  28.939
Lesotho Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.620
Liberia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.836
Libya Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  100.071
Lithuania Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  47.304
Luxembourg Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  54.973
Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  9.569
Madagascar Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  9.254
Malawi Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  4.268
Malaysia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  222.219
Maldives Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.259
Mali Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  8.783
Malta Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  8.338
Mauritania Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  3.161
Mauritius Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  8.738
Mexico Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1,088.128
Moldova Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  6.124
Mongolia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  5.258
Montenegro Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  4.822
Morocco Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  86.394
Mozambique Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  9.654
Myanmar Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  27.182
Namibia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  8.456
Nepal Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  12.698
Netherlands Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  868.940
New Zealand Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  128.492
Nicaragua Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  6.350
Niger Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  5.379
Nigeria Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  214.403
Norway Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  456.226
Oman Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  52.584
Pakistan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  167.640
Panama Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  23.088
Papua New Guinea Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  8.092
Paraguay Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  16.006
Peru Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  127.598
Philippines Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  168.580
Poland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  525.735
Portugal Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  244.492
Qatar Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  102.302
Romania Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  199.673
Russia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1,676.586
Rwanda Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  4.459
Samoa Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.537
São Tomé and Príncipe Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.176
Saudi Arabia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  481.631
Senegal Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  13.350
Serbia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  50.061
Seychelles Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.834
Sierra Leone Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.955
Singapore Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  181.939
Slovak Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  95.404
Slovenia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  54.639
Solomon Islands Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.473
South Africa Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  277.188
Spain Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1,611.767
Sri Lanka Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  39.604
St. Kitts and Nevis Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.555
St. Lucia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  1.025
St. Vincent and the Grenadines Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.601
Sudan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  57.911
Suriname Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  2.984
Swaziland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  2.843
Sweden Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  484.550
Switzerland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  492.595
Syrian Arab Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  54.803
Taiwan Province of China Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  392.552
Tajikistan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  5.135
Tanzania Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  20.721
Thailand Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  273.248
Timor-Leste, Dem. Rep. of Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.499
Togo Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  2.890
Tonga Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.258
Trinidad and Tobago Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  24.806
Tunisia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  40.348
Turkey Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  729.443
Turkmenistan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  n/a
Uganda Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  14.529
Ukraine Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  179.725
United Arab Emirates Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  260.141
United Kingdom Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  2,674.085
United States Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  14,264.600
Uruguay Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  32.262
Uzbekistan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  27.918
Vanuatu Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  0.573
Venezuela Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  319.443
Vietnam Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  89.829
Yemen, Republic of Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  27.151
Zambia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  14.323
Zimbabwe Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions  n/a

只看该作者 23 发表于: 2009-05-10
只看该作者 24 发表于: 2009-05-10
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