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[大洋洲]新西兰区划 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2009-11-30
1. 主岛: 北岛, 南岛
2. 附属岛屿: 数量众多,  大小不一.  其中面积最大: 斯图尔特岛 Stewart Island (1746km2); 人口最多:  怀和柯岛 Waiheke Island (7689人).
3. 外海岛链: 安蒂波迪斯群岛 Antipodes Islands, 奥克兰群岛 Auckland Islands, 邦蒂群岛 Bounty Islands, 坎贝尔群岛 Campbell Islands, 斯内斯群岛 Snares Islands, 索兰德尔岛 Solander Island, 三王群岛 Three Kings Islands, 查塔姆群岛 Chatham Islands, 克马德克群岛 Kermandec Islands, 其中前 5个组成 次南极岛群 Sub-Antarctic Islands
4. 海外领地: 托克劳属地, 库克群岛联系邦, 纽埃联系邦, 罗斯领地 Ross Dependency(位于南极洲, 仅宣称主权, 未被国际承认)
[ 此帖被萧望岳在2009-12-01 09:06重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2009-11-30
1. 12个分级地区(non-unitary region)
2. 4个混合地区(unitary region)
3. 1个特殊地方(Special territorial authority)
4. 7个外海群岛组成非地区行政管辖地域(Areas outside regional authority),  其管辖机构是环境保护部(Department of Conservation).
第一,第二项 16个地区管辖主岛以及附属岛屿, 下分 16个市,56个区; 第三项 即查塔姆地方 Chatham Islands Territory
[ 此帖被萧望岳在2009-12-01 09:09重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2009-11-30
Region and Territory (city and district)
1. 地区: 一级区划, 其中 12个受地区政务会(regional council)管辖, 另外 4个混合型地区受地方行政(territorial authority)管辖.  还有根据1995年<查塔姆群岛自治法案1995>, 查塔姆群岛自治会(Chatham Islands Council)部分具有地区政务职能.  至于非地区行政管辖地域 (Areas Outside Regional Authority) , 不妨看作不是地区的一级区划.
2. 地区政务会(regional council): 负责国土和水资源\地区交通和港口\生态灾害管理等.  2002年通过的<地方政府法案2002>要求地区政务会推动可持续发展-即社会经济事务以及社区环境和文化发展.
3. 地方: 二级区划, 也是实质上的行政区划, 包括16个市政厅(city council), 56个区自治会(district council), 和查塔姆群岛自治会(Chatham Islands Council), 至于其余外海岛屿没有提及.
4. 地方行政(territorial authority): 负责当地事务,诸如本地土地利用\水务\本地级公路\社区发展等.
5. 特别注意, 地方行政不一定严格按照地区界线. 有 8个是跨界的(详见上图和附件).估计是二级行政区自治管理使然.
[ 此帖被萧望岳在2009-12-01 09:12重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 3 发表于: 2009-11-30
Changes since 1989

Since the 1989 reorganisations conducted by the Local Government Commission, there have been few major reorganisations or status changes in local government. Incomplete list:
^1991: Invercargill re-proclaimed a city.
^1992: (by a Local Government Amendment Act) Abolition of Nelson-Marlborough Regional Council – Kaikoura District was transferred to the Canterbury Region, and Nelson City and Tasman and Marlborough districts became unitary authorities.
^1995: The Chatham Islands County was dissolved and reconstituted, by a specific Act of Parliament, as the "Chatham Islands Territory" with powers similar to those of territorial authorities and some functions similar to those of a regional council.[3]
^2004: Tauranga became a city again on 1 March.
^2006: Banks Peninsula District merged into Christchurch City as a result of 2005 referendum.
[ 此帖被萧望岳在2009-11-30 21:51重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 4 发表于: 2009-11-30
Changes in 2010

On 26 March 2009, the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance recommended Rodney, North Shore, Waitakere, Auckland City, Manukau, Papakura, Franklin, and Auckland Regional Councils be abolished and the entire Auckland region to be amalgamated into one "supercity".[4] The area would consist of one city council (with statutory provision for three Maori councillors), four urban local councils, and two rural local councils:

^Rodney local council would lose Orewa, Dairy Flat, and Whangaparaoa but retain the remainder of the current Rodney District. The split areas as well as the current North Shore City would form a Waitemata local council.
^Waitakere local council would consist of the current Waitakere City as well as the Avondale area.
^Tamaki Makaurau would consist of the current Auckland City and Otahuhu (excluding CBD)
^Manukau local council would consist of the urban parts of the current Manukau City and of the Papakura District.
^Hunua local council would consist of the entire Franklin District, much of which is currently in the Waikato Region, along with rural areas of the current Papakura District and Manukau City.
^The entire Papakura District would be dissolved between urban and rural councils.
关键三点: 1.  帕帕库拉区将解体, 彻底消失.   2. 重组奥克兰大都市地区, 包括 1个城市\ 4个城镇\ 2个农村,一共7个二级区划.   3.  以上方案与附件中的描述不一致.
[ 此帖被萧望岳在2009-11-30 22:12重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 5 发表于: 2009-11-30
附件: 新西兰区划
资料来源: 英文维基
[ 此帖被萧望岳在2009-12-01 09:14重新编辑 ]
附件: 新西兰政区.rar (40 K) 下载次数:37
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