The CAA sought to bring some uniformity in the constitution of the municipal bodies by classifying them as follows:
Nagar Panchayat, to be constituted in rural-urban transition areas. These have been conceived to properly channelize the growth impulses in such settlements and also to bring some sort of order in their growth and provision of service;
Municipal Councils for smaller urban areas;
for larger urban areas.
Urban local government is not hierarchical. However, the , Municipal Corporation,as an institution, enjoys a greater measure of autonomy than other forms of local government. It enjoys the power of dealing directly with the state government whereas the municipalities have no direct access to the state government and are answerable to the District Collector and Divisional Commissioner.
从黑体文字来看,1.Municipal Corporation类似于我设想的特别市,即在省下普遍设县的前提下,让大城市具有县级权限。2.印度的大邦与县之间有地区协调机构,幸好还不象中国的地级市一样是完全政府。3.印度的城市政府都可以称为municipality且互不隶属,这个比中国的平等。虽然印度的行政区划比中国强不了什么,但至少还有个形式平等精神。不象中国许多该建市的地方不是市,打击了积极性,鼓励了开后门(大者如韶山,其驻地还是个小镇啊,也不是真正的韶山冲)。