国务卿:United States Secretary of State,职能相当于各国的外交部长,但地位更高
首席副国务卿:The Deputy Secretary of State of the United States,不带分管领域,所以是首席(1913-1972年,称为Under Secretary of State)
另有一个带 Deputy Secretary 头衔的 Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources,负责资源管理与对外援助,其下属的两个机构分别是“对外援助办公室”与“小微与弱势企业利用办公室”(Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization)。
负责军控与国际安全的副国务卿(Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security)
负责公民安全、民主与人权的副国务卿(Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights)
负责经济增长、能源与环境的副国务卿(Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment)
负责日常管理的副国务卿(Under Secretary for Management),其下辖有行政管理局、预算规划局、主计长和全球金融服务局、领事事务局、外交安全事务局、全球人才管理局、信息资源管理局、医疗服务局、海外建筑运营局、外交接待办公室、外交学院、外交使团办公室、管理战略和解决方案办公室
负责政治事务的副国务卿(Under Secretary for Political Affairs),其下辖的各助理国务卿负责全球某个具体地域板块的外交事务,目前包括:
非洲事务助理国务卿,Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs,是非洲司(Bureau of African Affairs)主管,相当于非洲司司长,以下同
反恐司(Bureau of Counterterrorism)
东亚与太平洋司(Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs)
欧洲与欧亚大陆司(Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs)
国际组织司(Bureau of International Organization Affairs)
近东司(Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs)
南亚中亚司(Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs)
西半球司(Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs)
负责公共外交与公共事务的副国务卿(Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs)
助理国务卿的副手是助理国务卿帮办(deputy assistant secretary,或译成副助理国务卿),相当于副司长