(2013-11-01 14:10)
Wikipedia: Facing mounting international diplomatic pressure and the prospect of an Indonesian invasion force, the Dutch conceded to re-entering negotiations and agreed to the Ellsworth Bunker proposal on 28 July 1962, for a staged transition from Dutch to Indonesian control via UN administration, on the condition that a plebiscite would be held in future in the territory.
面对越来越大的国际外交压力和印度尼西亚军队入侵的前景,荷兰让步以重新进入谈判,并同意Ellsworth Bunker(美国解决西巴布亚问题特别指派外交官)于1962年7月28日提出的建议,通过联合国行政当局将治权分阶段从荷兰过渡到印尼,条件是未来在境内组织一全民公决。
但最后承诺的公决变成了只有印尼军队指定的1026人举行的小圈子公决(美其名曰Act of Free Choice自由决定,而西巴布亚原住民当时有200万),实际上成了印尼强行并吞,所以西巴布亚当然是荷兰卖了。。。。